First time pc grow box journal scrog


Sorry for caps on title everyone.

So this will be my first grow ever.I decided to build a PC Grow Box with one i had left lying around. I would love comments and thoughts on everything as to what people suggestions are etc. Right now i have 2 Eco Smart CFL lights 26 Watts 6500k running its running about 80.6 Degrees right now. Im going to be running the light cycle for roughly 24 hours until sunday then switch to 18/4 then 12/12

I did DWC, and i transplated the child 2 days ago (Wasnt able to pick it up any other day so had to live with it). Right now it's just in water. I have not administered any nutes yet, and I havent read PH or PPM Levels cause yesterday was Easter and all Hydro Stores where closed.

I was going to get a basic nute set because it would be my first grow, and just a regular PH up and Down setup to start learning from scratch. Thoughts on this?? I am doing LST or SCROG as some may say. Below are some pictures of the beauty. Its a LA CON

Thanks for checking and commenting!

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Day 2

Ok Guys.

So went to the local hydro store. They were cool enough to let me bring her in. They said she need to be doctored quick before it was too late. So we transplanted her immediately to Fox farm ocean soil, and Put mykos and ezemite in there. They said she was dying for food. They said it should do the trick and to give her a couple days of healing. They also recommended me to come back in a couple weeks for Nutes, as Fox Farm Soil is loaded. They recommended the Botanicare product line. Thoughts on this? Comments Much Appreciated!

Heres a pic

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Well-Known Member
you should be doin 18/6 from seed or clone. 24/0 or 20/4 is more for auto flowers..just my personal opinion.

It wont stress them to move from one veg to another veg, as long as u only do it like once or twice.


Ok, so like the last three days ive had the light on for 24 hours. So today would probably be day one of Veg, i just turned the light off, and have it on a timer for then next 6 hours, will go back on at 5! She looks a little droopy maybe the shock from Transplanting and having no food for 2 days? Btw Love your plants look incredible. Thanks for the comments!


Also one more question do i turn fans off while the lights or off or keep ventilation going. I learned a cheap way of inducing a co2 in there which im experimenting out right now


Active Member
Leave the fans going Air flow=good even if there is no heat issues.

I learned a cheap way of inducing a co2 in there which im experimenting out right now
Cheap C02 you have my attention.


Reku thanks for the advice left them on. Also I have it in a container with soil now. Does the container need wholes at the bottom for the watering I did yesterday to drain out a little?

P.S. here the c02 generator.


"The CO2 generator is simply a 2L pop bottle filled 7/8 full of water, 3 cups sugar, and like 1tsp yeast. I connected the 'sugar/yeast mix' bottle (using 1/4" air hose) to another 2L bottle half full of clean water, then connected that bottle (using 1/4" air hose) to the passive air intake on the pc. The CO2 is produced by the yeast interacting with the sugar and farting out CO2. The air above the murky sugar water pressurizes the first bottle and the gas is pushed into the pure water bottle. The hose goes right to the bottom of the water bottle and the C02 bubbles to the surface - gunk free. The CO2 pressurizes in the air space above the clean water and is pushed out the bottle, travels along the hose to the passive air intake. Very easy, very stealth"


Hey Guys so this is the night of veg day 1 the clone had light off from 11-5 and now its back on. When i got home the Temp was at 90 degrees. I had to take one of the CFLS out to cool down and adjust the temp level. Its finally back down to 79-80. She is very droopy. I watered her after transplanting here from the original DWC system i had her in which was only splashing her with regular water for 2 days while I waited for a store to open. She seems to be droopy. Ive read things in different journals stating it could be not enough watering, or too much watering. I also Just poked holes throughout the original res i planted her in. I read that if water is sucked at the bottom, the roots wont have anywhere to go to find water. Any help would be greatly appreciated. When should i water again if i dont need to. I dont want her to pass!

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Active Member
She looks much better in the pic. 90 is a bit on the warm side but nothing to freak out about as long as it getting water, and air flow. It may not be optimal but it should survive. Have you given her any nutes yet? Also it looks like your scrog screen is to low.


Not yet. I transplanted her yesterday from a DWC setup which had regular tap water splashing it in rockwell. This was what it was in from Saturday when i picked her up from Club, tell monday afternoon when I could get to the store.They sold me Foxfarm Ocean Soil, Which suppodley has nutes already loaded in it for 3 weeks worth. I then transplanted it in Foxfarm with Mykos, and Ezemite in the hole where i put the clone in. After transplanting and covering the rockwell cube up, i watered it a 1 and 1/4 of a Waterbottle from arrowhead the one with the cap i wanna say 700 mL. I put the soil in the original Res which is 6.57 liters big. Tonight when I realized the plant drooping, i created wholes through out the Res, due to what i read about the Plant not being able to root out because there was too much water.I hope this helps. I was told it could be overwatering, but i want to make sure. I also just dont want her to die! I finally started her cycle to today of 18/4 Post a pic tomorrow morning before she goes to sleep at 11


Ok Guys shes about to have the lights turned off in about 30 minutes came home this morning to her looking like this and the temp is at 80.2 Shes still very drooping. The soil doesnt look wet and i put my finger in it and i mean it still was wet a inch or little less from the bottom. If anyone has ideas on how to save her please let me know.



Active Member
Very Green but very droopy. I think that is a sign of to much water, but I don't grow in that medium so I am no expert.


She's going to be awake in 14 minutes ill be home to check on here and we will see where it goes from there. Reku any information as to nutrients you have tried. Im looking at TechnaFlora, GH, Botanicare


im pretty sure she's gone guys. So tomorrow im going to pick another one up. This time i have the General Organics Go Box, I will be following the Feeding Schedule right off the bat. I've Ordered a Hanna tri Meter for PPM/PH etc. When i have all 4 CFLS in that have the 6500 Spectrum 26 watts the PC gets to the upper 90's. Could it be because the grow is in my closet and needs space for the fans to breath? I have ordered a Eco plus hygrometer. The only thing i will be waiting on is the PH/PPM tri meter. For now ill use the ph up and down kit and follow instructions. I have 2 res's ready to go so when i switch the nutes out and flush i can have another one ready to go. Just transfer into the new res and have the other res cleaned for the next flush. Any comments would be lovely