Flowering-1wk whats my yeild? PICS!


Active Member
here are a few pics of my plants now. about 5 ft tall in my closet haha
they looked really streatched out even though my light was only a max of 6 inches away at any time. but i was wondering what you guys thought of them. this is from bagseed .. mitties, maybe nugs. idk there are two plants here. stems are thin, im thinking i might have to put a rod or something to keep them standing straight up as the one is already falling over... guess droping my light right in the middle of them didnt help much lol. but what do ya think my yeild will be... i will seriously be happy with half once lol. this is just something i did cuz i was bored :(
but i used a heatlamp=bad only water... no nutritions or feed. ony good thing i used was good potting soil from the store.


Well-Known Member
A couple of joints and a few bowls full maybe. 4-8 grams at the most? I don't think much more without a better light.


Active Member
4-8 grams :( imma hope for def more than that lol cuz then ill be pissed and smoke those gd roots and everything hahaha im sure if theres not thc ill be high from lack of oxygen or poision myself from everything hahahah
but thanks for the quick reply


Well-Known Member
9 grams of bud? or 9 grams of leaf? lol
because i dont see any buds what so ever...

and WILL those plants devolop buds??


Active Member
their coming a little slow but i see the beginning of the buds coming up , prolly nother week and ill start to see em. was really hoping for more like half once lol. i personally think they look allright . but i know little lol.. i will post some more pics of my shitty bag seed when they get bigger


Well-Known Member
Those are pretty stretched out. Your yield will be hella small most likely. You should have at least 3 times the amount of wattage in lighting for flower than you used for veg.


Well-Known Member
Yea, like everyone else has already said. You probably won't get much. Those plants definitely have been dying for some more light.

An instant message that came from your plant would go somethan like this...

your plant: Say fool, I'm dying over here. I want to get big and strong and makes lots of buds for you! Give me more light please! ASAP!