Flowering Mothers


Ok so i have 4 huge mothers that are pretty old and i just kicked em into flower. They are looking healthy but the nodes are so close together from so much topping not sure if i should thin it right out or let nugs grow in kind of a cluster really close together??:-? Would be alot of trimming to thin them, any suggestions??


Well-Known Member
flip em and let em ride, whats the worst that can happen, you get a lot of tops and nice dense nugs..


Well-Known Member
It will be a hell of a lot of trimmin but I would just let her go ... just keep a fan blowing up , under the branches to keep the moisture in check ..

happy growing


Active Member
Agreeded with last post let her flower trim were nessiccary just over due it especially since they are old plants itnmightaddro much stress trim a little a day if you are going to trim keep postin pics so we can see their progress