Flowering problem...Pics


Well-Known Member
So im about 2 or 3 days away from week 6 in flowering and i unfortunately missed a watering somehow, so when i come back to water, one of my plants was drooping HEAVILY, and the other seemed to droopy and fried almost..obviously, given the situation, i water immediately and within the next couple of hours, they are perked up but most of the hairs that were the previous day white are now brown. i know that this is a sign of maturity, but i dont think its a coincidence that my plants were heavily heavily under watered and most of the hairs started turning red/brown. im thinking the early discoloration of hairs might not be from maturing but rather from stress of the accidental under watering.. any advice??? this happen to anyone else?
waterin them lightly and give em a while there dryed out she should come back

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
anyone else out there??


Ouch! Looks save-able though. If they were mine I'd give them a good heavy watering.

The pistils in that last pic still looked pretty white to me. I'd try and keep them going so they put on some more mass.

I had a couple of plants where the pistils were almost all red/brown. Just gave them a light feeding last week and they've almost all grown another layer of fresh white pistils.
