Germing: Aquarium vs Dome


Active Member
Obviously, I am missing some element in my aquarium setup because my seeds are not germinating.

I have two setups for germinating (three if you count my Marogarden, big up to Tek):
(1) a 10" x 20" glass aquarium, wrapped in mylar, covered in plastic wrap, under one CFL
(2) a 10" x 20" plastic dome and tray setup (local hydro shop), two CLFs and a heating pad underneath

Both are on 24/0, bagseed in pre-soaked rockwool with a touch of rooting hormone (powder).

The dome seeds are starting to sprout (planted this past Sunday, 5/27), but the aquarium (planted 5/13) is giving me NO love at all! I think the heating pad under the dome setup is making the difference; can't be the lights because I am chanting the mantra I learned at the hydro shop: Roots Don't Like Light.

What can I do to give these seeds some motivation?



Active Member
More light, huh? Should I replicate my 2 CFL system then? to make it like more similar to the dome?


Well-Known Member

why would you put more light (or any) on seeds, no leaves = no (fill in here).. seeds need. warm, moist conditions. thats it. go and complicate things and you see what happens. I would germinate them first in a paper towel and bag/tuppeware before putting them in the rockwool. you will save time and seeds


Active Member
Well, I germed half of them in paper, then the other half I just dropped into the rockwool. I wondered about the light, but was thinking it would provide some warmth? Seeds like warm, moist then, I should get another heat pad for the aquarium?