Girls are crazy~UNTILL.....


Well-Known Member
I think girls should be confined or at the least, force medicated, from the ages of 13 to 25 because 95% of them are f'ing CRAZY, during that age.

Boys are stupid around that time too, but only sporadically do they do any real harm. I had sisters, nieces, and friend's kids who unfortunately for them, were females...I've seen it in them all.

Self-harming, depressed, moody, disrespectful, anorexic, pregnant, screamingly argumentative/straight-up crazy. sound familiar?

It seems to subside when they turn 25ish~USUALLY...:D
Flame on.
Lmao this post had me crying I was laughing so hard!!. I agree with ya 100% but i can't help but sympathize for them as well. Could you imagine your internal hormones going crazy and out of whack every 3 weeks? Then having to push those excess hormones out your bleeding gash that's between your legs for a week, poor girls I all I'm saying. Does it give them an excuse to be crazy and emotionally unstable?? I couldn't begin to give you a half decent answer as I'm not female, thank God!!! You would think the prisons and jails would have more women in them than our male prisons too, just saying.
I could tell you multiple anecdotes, I'd love to hear some.

My sister after daily screaming matches at my parents for 5 years. moved out with her "boyfriend" into a dilapidated house in a crazy lady's basement. She is adopted (big deal) but soon she was convinced, from my understand (hard to fathom, since I'm not crazy) That she is my daughter and my parents adopted her from me.......

When my parents adopted her I was 7.....

Thant's a tale from some of the less crazy shit I've seen.
Oh, boys don't have crazy thoughts because of hormones???? Do you know how much insane idiot "I shudda been killed" shit we did in our wee lad days?

When I and 95% of guys think about sex with chicks (any chick we see) ( Well 100% I suppose if I said sex of any kind.) Every 10- second after the age of 12?

Getting a woody when a 66 year old nun touches your 13-year-old shoulder is TRAUMATIC! :bigjoint:
Good luck with your pigeonholing and blanket statements, they won't serve you well in life. As a long-time mental health worker in an in-patient psych ward, I promise you, young people are equally "crazy" across genders. What is truly sad is when someone like you gets burned in life and then takes out their problems on the opposite gender as a whole, or say, ANY group of people, instead of working on their own PERVASIVE issues. Again, GOOD LUCK, you'll need it.
My girl friends 48 I thought you said it’s over at 25ish
Well, I didn't say it was the only time. Just tell her you understand her problems since she's older now and going thru "The Change" PS-duck!

OR- You are just lucky enough to be In the 5 percentile :)