Give me your recommendations: PPM and pH Meters


Well-Known Member
Self explanatory title;

What ppm and pH meters are ya'll using / which ones do you guys recommend?

So many options out there ranging form $10 to to hundreds, hard to make a decision.

I’ve been using one of the BlueLab combo meters for about 5 years, just recently had to replace the PH probe which was $60. As long as you properly care for them they can last quite a while.

If I didn’t use BlueLab, Apera would be my other choice.
As a couple others have said for tds meter you can go with the $10 one, but for ph meter go with a nice one and make sure you get storage solution and decent calibration solution. If its a good pen you can use the powder or liquid solution to calibrate it. I would suggest going with the liquid pre mix solution because its going to be on point with its ph as the powder stuff you have to mix up can be difficult unless you have graduated cylinders and other equipment like that, trust me go with the pre mixed. Apera or Bluelab for the win. I went with the newer dr meter and i am not disappointed yet for what its worth.
I'd like to hear the opinion of somebody who has owned both a Hanna and a Blue Lab.
Hanna worked for me.
I had been wanting to buy a second meter for years.
So, this year I bought the Hanna HI9814 so that I could enjoy two meters in different locations in the gardens. It also helped me validate that my 14 year old Hanna 9813 was still accurate. The old Hanna works as good as new with a new probe.

The HI9814 really is all in one due to fact it has one probe instead of two. The Blue lab with two probes seems potentially clumsy in comparison, unless mounted into a fixed position.

I am glad Tint validates that a less expensive meter works great. I would have bought that had I known about it.
For tds / ppm the $10 type are fine. I have 2 different brands/models so I have a backup.

PH pen, buy the best you can afford and take care of it.
This 100%, buy two $10 tds pens, then put the savings into a good ph pen. I'd just like to add, having a good PH test kit is nice as a backup. Everyone uses the hydrofarm one, but honestly, it sucks. My favorite is the Sera brand made for aquariums-nice glass test tube, double sealed reagent, and it's by far the easiest to distinguish the colors of each ph level on the chart-you guys will love it I swear, German quality baby!