Good lighting Deals??


Active Member
There are some good deals but you will have to adapt them to work in your growing space theres a lot of different possibilities with there inventory


Well-Known Member
You do realize that these are kits, right? They must be wired, soldered and mounted onto something by hand. Plus, you can't run a 400 watt HPS bulb with a 250 watt balast - the 400 watt balasts are about 10 or 15 bucks more.

You will also have to add the price of a power cord (with plug) and a mogul socket for the bulb, because it doesn't look like they come with. Shop around a little, I'm sure you can save a few more $! I know I have seen these before for around $50. And I think that even included the Mogul base - $54. sticks in my mind.