Gorilla glue strand from Barney farms! What is wrong with this lady !

I bought this seed with 5 other strands of seeds 20 plants total. All same Nutes same lighting schedule all same pot and soil..... you get the point. And this is the current result. Repotted her into new soil weeks ago and no change. Have had her under hps lights, then moved her to small led light and is currently under mars hydro tsw2000. She has been in vegg for over two months now anyone know what In the hell is wrong with this midget lol I’m including a pic of the gorilla glue plant and 10 of the same seeds and clones i started at same time. Others are in 2nd week of flower. Thanks you guys in advance


Using smart pots with promix hp mycorrhizae. Did start them off in regular pots and different soil but noticed them holding moisture too much in that setting so switched both pots and soil to said above in two weeks. On these I’m using GH trio series as well as Calimag and always use ro water. ph is something i only dial If it is lower than 5.5 or higher than say 6.2 so the water has always ph checked in that range for these.

in an 8x4 tent with two 600w hps lights until recently i pulled her from the group and put here under my mars hydro at the house to try to work with her as well as reported her into fresh environment same soil brand and pot brand.
temps are 65-75 Range and humidity during vegg i don’t get to picky with but has stayed from 50-70%
Ok i figured as much just didn’t know if there was someone who may have seen the Similar situation and would have some on-site on it. So if it’s a bad pheno should i toss it or just throw it in flower room and get what i can off of it? I have room in flower room so it would be no loss on space. Just don’t want to water it and all that if it’s not going to flower or give me shitty results
And no this is GG i got it with a pineapple chunk , Pineapple Express , citrus orange punch , Chocobang, and sweet breath. And got clones from my boy in Oklahoma if the la kush and cookies kush. All look amazing but this lil guy