Got a question bout my hash


New Member
Hello guys,
I've got some hash and I rly don't know what is wrong with it. It is a black greenish hash that is rly smooth. If I start crumbling it up even my fingers get sticky and I could rub some from my finger as well. But the problem is if I smoke it, it doesn't rly make me high. I am smoking since idk almost 6 years so I tested it and it is not filled with Plastik or any oils and it should be alright. Could it be that there is still some process to do so it gets good? Or can I throw it into the trash? Dunno much bout hash.. Pic is the hash I got.


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It won't get better.
Heres my guess. Ive made lotsa bubble hash.
Likely the hash was made bubble hash style.
1-you got the very last run on the material and it has lots of powdered leaf material in it.
2-who ever made it didnt use the right micron screen or you got the pull from a screen to large or too small in size. Too large you get gritty greenish black material. Too small grayer in color but greenish, clay like hash. Both are lacking in trichs.
Thank u for the quick answer! Any idea what I could do with it? It's not like it isn't making me high it just not strong enough to feel "that" kinda high but I feel like smoking it won't to the trick even if I would smoke the whole 20 gs I think xD
Maybe do nothing...if its really fresh bubble hash it needs to dry out and that would improve its high somewhat, sometimes a lot.
You could cook with it. Make a small batch of brownies, pour mixture into brownie pan. Crumble up the hash and stir it into one corner of pan. Baking the hash could make it stronger in a sense that it gets activated.