greetings earthlings, blaaaaaaze iiit!


Active Member
wats wrong with it? it looks fine to me
the leaves are kinda bended, or leaning...
should they be pointy upwards?
or just chillin like a villian like that?
when i got it, it was mega leaning and sad but i fixed it with a clothes hanger and some gardening string and it looks better...
i give it like 4/5 ounces of water every wed/sat.
ive had it for a week. almost.
wed is my 1st week.


Well-Known Member
move to bigger pot, this plant is already root bound

also stretched as hell, you need more light

other that that it looks fine


Active Member
yeah it looks fine you will need more light and closer to it thats why its so long because the plant wants to stretch towards the light since it is so far away. SO since it is so high up it is getting top heavy. Yea bigger pot would be nice
