Grey leaves?!


Well-Known Member
Your seedlings are expressing their unhappiness at whatever you are doing to them.

Something is fundamentally wrong with your set up so if you'd like to share some details on feeding schedule, ppm, ph, etc., I'm sure you can get this figured out.


Well-Known Member
I dont give them nutrients yet as they are meerly seedlings, ph is borderline 6.0, I water every other day.. ppm not too sure about, would it be anything to do with the lights perhaps? Have you seen this before?


Well-Known Member
Also they are under two 400w metal halide lights, previously when growing from couple days old to roughly 2 weeks old, used 3 cfl's at 23 w 23 w and 20w... I previously used the same container for clones before that did not have any succession so perhaps there was some contamination from before? But I did wash it out thoroughly?

Is there a chance this could cause them to be hermie in the near-by future?
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Well-Known Member
Hmm..not sure why you would need 2 MH lights for seedlings but doesn't appear to be heat damage. If that is water only then I would start by evaluating my water quality. What is your water source?

If more than 2 weeks since sprouting, they need to start getting some low levels of nutes.

Not sure about the contamination but wouldn't rule anything out. I wouldn't worry about hermies from this. You're in more of a survival mode!


Well-Known Member
Haha! You are right Bugeye, surivival it is and water source was from purified evian water, or tap water 24 hr open but issue occurred before using tap water... I always begin with purified evian water


Well-Known Member
It sounds like they need to feed. I'd go with the tap water if you don't have cal/mag supplements. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Thank you Bugeye I can't tell you how appreciative I am of your time! I also love the look of your Organic Greenhouse Grow! Looks fantastic. Many thanks, stay safe and stay high.


Active Member
Id say ease up on the lights for a bit and add something for the roots (food for root enhancement/growth) in clean water (rainwater if possible)

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