Growing on conservation land?


Active Member
Im with ya man. yeah believe me if i hadnt ever started smoking cigs the thought of smoking bud would never occur to me. But im sure there is some truth in saying that todays bud can be a little more harmful. Depending on where you get it. But thats what happens when you smoke with some tweaker who likes to lace their shit with coke or something. Im not sure about maui or panama red but a while ago i had bought an eighth of an oz for 65 bones, and it was very purple and didnt smell like any other bud ive smelled. I read that thats one of the characteristics of p haze.


Active Member
Both of my parents worked for the FBI for more than 20 years and many of their friends are agents, so i feel that you can trust what I am about to say. I wouldn't worry about the FBI guy in your neighborhood. They are normal people just like me and you. When they come home from work they aren't thinking about the next person they can bust or investigate, so rest easy. If he does miraculously find one, I bet he won't do a thing because it would be more paperwork for him. FBI agents take orders from their supervisors and the SAC (Special Agent in Charge) and he will surely have little to do with the marijuana section of their narcotics investigations. GROW on brother!


Active Member
yeah your probably right, but he is young and ambitious and if he loves his job more than he should than i might be in trouble if he found them. But i dont think he will because i am a sneaky sneaky. lol