growing question.. indoor/outdoor. help please


Well-Known Member
im growing in my attic which is on the second floor of my house. the only way to get up there is through a little hole in my closet. currently i have 18 little sprouts in seperate cups that are about 4 inches tall. i am not using a light but there is a vent from outside right next to the sprouts. i took the vent out and flipped it around so the light is directly hitting where i have the sprouts growing. i am just starting the plants in my attic and them i am moving some of them outdoors but i was wondering if they would continue to grow if i chose to leave a few of the plants in the attic. they get plenty of fresh air next to the vent and i water them when needed.


Well-Known Member
Its very very very doubtfull, unless they have plenty of room to grow up and will always be in direct sunlight, and when plants are big are doesnt move so well. There are tons of factors to take into effect.


Well-Known Member
attics arent a good idea since they heat up to like 120 in the summer,try somewhere else please for the sake of ur plants


Well-Known Member
im more worried about the heat issue. ive been looking for lights online and if someone would help me find some my friend said he would go get them for me at a local store because im on house arrest. i have a fan up there if that would make it anymore likely for the growth to be successful


Well-Known Member
put them in a closet and use cfls,if u use something that use alot of electricity than elec comp will be tipped off and so forth so on,u will be fucked


Well-Known Member
alright thanks. i usually dont have them in the attic all of the time. i try and get them down for some extra fresh air and put them in my window because theyre little sprouts but i have to go to school monday-friday so its usually only on the weekend or after school which is around 3. the only thing i worry with about lights is leaving them on when im not home and catching my house on fire :shock:


Well-Known Member
some say 24 for first week then 18/6,i use 17.5/6.5 for begining and growth and works just fine,its up to u


Well-Known Member
thanks for your help. its my first grow and im trying to make it work the best i can.right now my plants are only 4 days old and have 2 little leaves with 2 smaller leaves perpendicular to the bigger ones. how long should it take until the plants get to be more of a small plant rather than a tiny sprout


Well-Known Member
it all depends,the right cfls u can have a 2in plant in its first week of life wit multi leaves and side branching.ill try to get some pics of my little girl up for tomarrow for you.ill send a message when i upload them


Well-Known Member
what do u think an estimate of the cost would be at a local walmart for the y adapters and all the cfls i need. i can't order the higher watt bulbs bc im only 15 and live at home with my parents.


Well-Known Member
urgh 18 plants

6 bulbs a plant

108 bulbs wit 54 y adaps

1 bulb can b $5 for right spec,1 y adap 1.5

hold ur breath


try to get a sequrity light at lowes and do some work with it.

one security light will be enough for 18 plants for now

if u grow 3 plants then u nee 18 bulbs with 9 ys

u better save ur money if u want to grow all of those plants


Well-Known Member
I hate when people think they can half ass growing cannabis, its insulting to the plant. You go to school right, then you know you have to read to learn things before you experiment and do labs. Apply this to life as well. Read, learn. If you are on house arrest you shouldnt be growing anyway,plus its not your house and you prob dont have permission from the parents. Plus you must have tons of time on your hands being stuck at home so you have no excuse, all the info you need is on here. Check it out. Im not trying to be mean, but I spent 6 months researching before even trying to grow, and still you run into tons of problems that cant be fixed at your parents house. Check out all the amazing gardens on this site, they are all by people who have invested alot of time and a decent amount of money, (even the cheap setups need to be done correctly). Read alot of shit, talk to alot of people here and try again when ya move out, cause I garauntee its not going to work out for ya.


Well-Known Member
im not trying to grow that many plants. im only planning on keeping 1 or 2 and trying to grow them the right way. i ended up with 5 little sprouts when i grminated 12 seeds and planted them.