Growing with Rubbermaid containers


Active Member
I see alot of people growing out of these big 2x3 rubbermaid containers, and putting 5 or 6 plants in them. Do you not need to divide the container with dividers to keeps the roots from tangling? Or does it not matter?


Well-Known Member
They use clones to grow in the DWC rubber maid containers. So the roots are not a problem getting tangled.

Father Jack

Well-Known Member
It's not a problem to grow multiple plants in a plastic(or any other material) bin using soil or soiless mix either.



Well-Known Member
Father jacks statement is almost true. You can very well have problems with growing them in soil or soiless mix if they are not all confirmed females. When weeding out the males would more than likely kill the females. However DWC you can untangle the roots with minimal damage if you are careful. I would sugest that you use seperate compartments if the sex of the plant is not known.

Father Jack

Well-Known Member
silly me...I was assuming that would all be females. If I did plant multiple plants from seed in a bin...then the males would be removed by just cutting at the base of the stem...not by pulling them out. The roots that would die would not cause any problems for the rest of the grow.

Putting unsexed seedlings in one container is not ideal to say the least. I always sex my plants before planting in a bin.



Well-Known Member
I would think that the rotting roots from the males could cause some parasite/desease problem. Not to mention the fact the roots from the male are taking up space in the container.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I would think that the rotting roots from the males could cause some parasite/desease problem. Not to mention the fact the roots from the male are taking up space in the container.
You would have to have some pumps in there to avoid that. Check out my set up. I use a rubber maid bin with 5 plants right now. :peace:

Father Jack

Well-Known Member
I would think that the rotting roots from the males could cause some parasite/desease problem. Not to mention the fact the roots from the male are taking up space in the container.
No..not really. Lots of things can decompose while you're growing in it. The dead roots are nothing more than a organic matter that will decompose over time...which will make more food available to the plant.

I ma not talking Hydro here...I'm talking about plants in a bin of soil or soiless mix.



Well-Known Member
Thanks Jack. I knew that they would decompose while in the soil but I thought it could also cause pest and desease problems for the plants that are still growing in the soil.
