Guys Please HELP!!! WHAT is wrong with these plants? [[pics]]


One of my spots is in a swamp and this is my first try in this sort of environment. They have been out for 11 days at this point.
There are 3 strains out at this spot. Purple Power, Bubba Kush and Hollands Hope (these are the ones that have problems)
The soil mix is 60% promix bx and 40% coco coir
I used osmocote time released nutes 14-14-14 and dolomite lime to help with the PH
Also the pots were originally dug in about a 1 foot but with 3 days of heavy rain the bottom of the holes had quiet a bit of water so I took them out

Here are the pics...any helpful info would be GREATLY appreciated!!! :lol:

there are 3 strains out at this spot. Purple Power, Bubba Kush and Hollands Hope (these are the ones that have problems)



Well-Known Member
osmocote time released nutes 14-14-14
^ this is your problem
I also am i victim of time release nutes...your leaves curling are a sure sign..


Well-Known Member
that is a big factor right their lol you hear about this mistake being made frequently.. but it looks like you got a pest/bug problem as well lol givin theirs a bug on you leaf in one of the pics and your fan leafs have bite marks lol


Well-Known Member
ya hes lucky shes old enough to probably take the beating, but you need to make some in move your plant to a less buggy spot lol or spray with neem oil or something, but wait till your leaves are healthy


Well-Known Member
Flushing at this point will only make the nutes release more. I'd just leave them be and if they make it they make it. Not much you can do. Next time you want to mix soil, use organic amendments. Bone meal, blood meal, green sand, composted manures, worm castings ect.

There are several tried and tested soil recipes on this site, far superior to any chem fertilizers. Believe me organic and outdoor go hand in hand:peace:


Guys I seriously need all of your input... I went back to check on them 2 weeks or so after making this thread and some of them have semi rebounded but most have the same problem and have grown a bit but are obviously stunted. Weird thing is that the Hollands Hope are doing incredible at my other site but are very sick at this one and the Bubba Kush clones are still prospering. I just cant seem to put my finger on it...Please help!

Here are the updated pictures:

heres a healthy bubba kush for inspirational purposes ;)



Could it possibly be too acidic of a medium, or a calcium/magnesium deficiency of some sort? the leaves are all rigid and raised as well. I think you may need to flush the plants with ph balanced water and add maybe 50% of the correct nutrients and check the new growth. The plants may be locked up.Does anyone else have any other suggestions on what to do here? It would be one hell of a waste of a season to haul all that medium into the swamp and have insufficient sickly looking little plants grow in 14gal bags of cocopeat and promix bx.


bro that timed nut stuff should NEVER be used in a poted plant you should dig a big hole per plant and put them in the ground or get them timed nutes out of the pots if you can i use them timed nutes but i grow in the earth and it works good cuz the earth will leach off the nuts


are you growing in a swamp if so turn over a good amount of soil below the plant and dig a 6inch deep hole the same size as the pot cut the bottom of the pot off and put the plant in it so the top of thepot is like a rased bed they get great water this way and the pot keep the o2 up good luck


are you growing in a swamp if so turn over a good amount of soil below the plant and dig a 6inch deep hole the same size as the pot cut the bottom of the pot off and put the plant in it so the top of thepot is like a rased bed they get great water this way and the pot keep the o2 up good luck
this is on my to do list. but does anyone have input in regards what is wrong with the plants and how they can be fixed?


not really an option to cut out the bottoms and let it grow in the swamp cuz 6 inches down in water. were letting the bottom of the bag sit in about 1inch of water for the benefit of the taproot to be constantly drinking water while the remaining roots in the medium breathes. we just hauled a FUCKTON of medium DEEP into the swamp and have a limited amount of clones out there. were just trying to maximize the yield and improve plant health on the straggler holland hopes that dont seem to be enjoying their acidic medium too much. Flushing it seems is our only option. Any body have good suggestions on ph balancing the water? what to add for up and down? Because we are using swamp water which is probably just as acidic as the medium so flushing with that stuff would seem futile.