

Well-Known Member
Hey, Im doing my grow in an earthbox again. Noone probably knows what that is, but you can check my old White, and purple widow grow in my sig for pics.

Anyways, its bascially like hydro, but with soil. Theres a res filled with water, but soil above it. The water evaporates up into the soiil, when the soil dries out, so it keeps soil moist. However, I worry about my plants not recieving enough oxygen. I have good amount of perlite, and im using Oceans forest, so the mix is well aerated, but when the water just sits in the res, I fear its losing alot of oxygen.

  • The earthbox isnt anywhere where I can plug it in, so I cant use a pump or anything like that. Could I simply add some H202 to my water, to give it some oxygen? Or should I get some of those things that you put in there that give it oxygen temporarily?
Thanks for all the help


Active Member
Just grab a power head. They add air, and circulate the water super style. Or just grab a cheapie air pump and a couple of stones.