Harvest Question


Active Member
So I have read in a couple places about putting the plant in the dark for 48 hours or so before you harvest.

Has anyone heard of this before or had experience with it?


Well-Known Member
ive read that a 24 hour dark period lets the plant know that its cycle is done and helps it produce a last shot of resin. ive never tried it so im not sure how well it would work.


Active Member
Actually I heard that too but you suppose to do this after the vegie stage before you put it into flowering..

have a great smoke..

Lilmissy : )


Well-Known Member
yeah i heard of 24 hours of darkness befor flower to let it know its time for budding but never after harvest i would say harvest some than do the day of darkness


Active Member
I have done the 24 hour dark before flowering to induce the plant, but this pertains to the end. The article was in Hightimes or Cannabis Culture or something. It said to put them in dark before you start cutting to let some chemicals which go into the roots at night fully leave the plant. Not sure if it was just some tall tale or if it had merit. My Early Bud plant is nearing finished and I am curious to give it a try.