harvest time...or is it?


Well-Known Member
hi all, my original plant is getting close.

she's been in 12/12 for about 7-8 weeks and the hairs on the top colas are starting to turn a rust/brown color. the ones near the bottom are still bright white.

how much long would you think i have till harvest? and how much more growth will there be...basically if it won't grow all that much more over the next 2 weeks can i just harvest her today....it's 420 after all.


Well-Known Member
i believe you could harvest if you wanted to. I believe I have read you want its 65% amber 35% milkycloudy. It might have been 70% 30% but I'm not sure.



Well-Known Member
yeah i'd let it go for just a bit. sounds like you only have a couple of weeks left though.


Well-Known Member
it's a really fucked up looking plant...haha

it's stretched to abotu 3 feet tall, but there's only the top colas (just little buds at the various nodes, bu tthe nodes are about 2-3 inches apart). i used shitty "gro" lights at first which only stretched it, but then about 6 weeks ago i got good CFL's. so the top 4inches is good and tight growth, nice buds...but like i said, it's about 3 feet tall. oh well, it's my first attempt, i was reading and growing at the same time. so you can see the point at which i read the chapter on "lights".


Well-Known Member
welll atleast you got something out of your first grow.

i'm currently doing a journal for my new grow and am half a month into flowering. I had 3 plants, and 2 of my healthiest one were male and one was hermie. I am stuck with 1 female and she's called Stretch because her branches stretch out to 3 feet also. You should check out my journal and take a look at her pics. I was torn yesterday when I had to chop down my best plant. but this is my first grow and it was with bagseed and had horrible genetics. Live learn grow!