Has a shroom trip ever left you permanently stupid?

Yes that's pretty normal, meaning you think differently, are you uncomfortable with your new views or irrational thoughts ?
I just don't like not being able to function at my best, are you sure it's normal? It's not that I have irrational thoughts neccasarily, more just that I struggle to make sense, especially in conversation, like I've lost the ability to speak fluently
I just don't like not being able to function at my best, are you sure it's normal? It's not that I have irrational thoughts neccasarily, more just that I struggle to make sense, especially in conversation, like I've lost the ability to speak fluently
I'm not sure about that my friend that doesn't sound like what I experienced, I felt a bit spacy after a joint especially but it wore off within 3 months.
I'm not sure what to advise you I'm sorry.
Never tried shrooms but had a 'dark night of the soul' experience, seen and heard 'entities and life will never be the same again
I just don't like not being able to function at my best, are you sure it's normal? It's not that I have irrational thoughts neccasarily, more just that I struggle to make sense, especially in conversation, like I've lost the ability to speak fluently
Sure you didn't have a stroke? haha. When did you take them? How much did you take? Sometimes you can be groggy for a few days but no way it's going to cause permanent damage. Psilocybin actually creates new neuropathways in your brain, so if anything you should be smarter, or able to process more information lol. Not really, but it does indeed create new neuropathways and promotes neural plasticity.
Sure you didn't have a stroke? haha. When did you take them? How much did you take? Sometimes you can be groggy for a few days but no way it's going to cause permanent damage. Psilocybin actually creates new neuropathways in your brain, so if anything you should be smarter, or able to process more information lol. Not really, but it does indeed create new neuropathways and promotes neural plasticity.
Sometime in january, not sure how much exactly, it was a 1g bankie stuffed full, the same as what everyone with me took as well, and they all handled it fine, while I was just waiting for it to end, it was pretty overwhelming, i also wasnt in the best state of mind at the time but just told myself i could handle it because id done it before, i am on the skinny side though so I do tend to trip harder, yeah I've heard all about the benefits and claims of enlightenment but it's just not something I've seen, in myself or in others, not saying it's not a real thing though, I know a lot of people swear by it, and maybe it is true for them, one study I looked at though said it increased a persons openness towards others, and that I can definitely vouch for, it's difficult for me to filter what I say now, and if I try then I just take forever to think about it, so I just go ahead and speak my mind without taking the time to properly formulate how or what I actually want to say, which is why I don't make sense half the time
Sometime in january, not sure how much exactly, it was a 1g bankie stuffed full, the same as what everyone with me took as well, and they all handled it fine, while I was just waiting for it to end, it was pretty overwhelming, i also wasnt in the best state of mind at the time but just told myself i could handle it because id done it before, i am on the skinny side though so I do tend to trip harder, yeah I've heard all about the benefits and claims of enlightenment but it's just not something I've seen, in myself or in others, not saying it's not a real thing though, I know a lot of people swear by it, and maybe it is true for them, one study I looked at though said it increased a persons openness towards others, and that I can definitely vouch for, it's difficult for me to filter what I say now, and if I try then I just take forever to think about it, so I just go ahead and speak my mind without taking the time to properly formulate how or what I actually want to say, which is why I don't make sense half the time
The whole enlightenment thing is bullshit for the most part lol. Psychedelics just give you the ability to observe things from a different perspective. Or just get real fucked up if that's what you're looking for. And I hear what you're saying... you could make more of a conscious effort to analyze what you're going to say before you say it. It makes you more comfortable with your identity, your look, your feelings, thoughts, etc. so becoming more open is just a result of that, for the most part. I don't think you're suffering any brain damage though. haha.
Has a shroom trip ever affected your ability to think rationally for months after?
How long since you came off the shrooms? I usually spend the next day feeling like i have a "hangover" sorta, feeling slow and dumb. That's normal. Months? How much did you do?
Has a shroom trip ever affected your ability to think rationally for months after?

could be an underlying health issue. I would consult a doctor if its bothering you. Doubt its related to schrooms but you never know. Are you smoking weed or drinking alcohol on a regular basis? I would try the shrooms again and see if it gets worse or reverses things!
Sometime in january, not sure how much exactly, it was a 1g bankie stuffed full, the same as what everyone with me took as well, and they all handled it fine, while I was just waiting for it to end, it was pretty overwhelming, i also wasnt in the best state of mind at the time but just told myself i could handle it because id done it before, i am on the skinny side though so I do tend to trip harder, yeah I've heard all about the benefits and claims of enlightenment but it's just not something I've seen, in myself or in others, not saying it's not a real thing though, I know a lot of people swear by it, and maybe it is true for them, one study I looked at though said it increased a persons openness towards others, and that I can definitely vouch for, it's difficult for me to filter what I say now, and if I try then I just take forever to think about it, so I just go ahead and speak my mind without taking the time to properly formulate how or what I actually want to say, which is why I don't make sense half the time

You said it all in this post. You weren’t in a good mind set to start with.

Psychedelics should be enjoyed with a proper mindset, setting, and intention for the experience.

Just dosing to get fucked up will create uncomfortable situations.
I'd suggest a personal detox. Stay off any substances for about a week or more, exercise and take a multivitamin daily, and flush your system completely with a detox (found online or supplement stores). You'd be surprised at what exercise can do for mental health/performance. Also going forward, avoid mushys. If your looking to trip, stick with lsd. Way cleaner and a much better experience all around
The whole enlightenment thing is bullshit for the most part lol. Psychedelics just give you the ability to observe things from a different perspective. Or just get real fucked up if that's what you're looking for. And I hear what you're saying... you could make more of a conscious effort to analyze what you're going to say before you say it. It makes you more comfortable with your identity, your look, your feelings, thoughts, etc. so becoming more open is just a result of that, for the most part. I don't think you're suffering any brain damage though. haha.
Yeah I think your right, it is a conscious effort, and that used to be second nature for me, it's just something I've lost somehow and need to try harder to regain, I just wanted to know if anything like this has happened to anyone else, aside from in the studies, which aren't all too useful as a comparison
No I don't drink, I've been a daily smoker since fifteen, yeah I was considering another trip to see if I could reverse it but i don't think it's worth the risk
I'd suggest a personal detox. Stay off any substances for about a week or more, exercise and take a multivitamin daily, and flush your system completely with a detox (found online or supplement stores). You'd be surprised at what exercise can do for mental health/performance. Also going forward, avoid mushys. If your looking to trip, stick with lsd. Way cleaner and a much better experience all around
Thanks, yeah I've been taking vitamin Bs, they definitely do make a difference, I don't think I'll trip on anything for a while tho