Has anyone else noticed........

That 'weaker' seedlings/plants tend to become male?

I do not use marijuana, it makes me sick. But the person I live with does. I love growing it from seed and nurturing the plants. The end result of seeing such beautiful heads and the smell that the plants produce, makes me smile.

We do not grow hydro. Just a few plants to keep my partner self sufficient for the year.

Now, from what I have researched, plants turn male generally when there is someone else growing in the area. BUT I have also noticed, over the years, that any weaker plants in the crop turn male. Never have any of the healthy ones turn. Have had a few hermaphrodites (sp?), but again, never from the big strong plants.

Has anyone else noticed the same?

Would be curious to hear.


Well-Known Member
Cannabis seed sex if predetermined. If you have 10 seeds and their genetic code says five are female and five are male, then you can try every method out there till your face turns blue but your still going to get five males and five females.
Cannabis seed sex if predetermined. If you have 10 seeds and their genetic code says five are female and five are male, then you can try every method out there till your face turns blue but your still going to get five males and five females.
Yup... that goes without saying.... Apologies that I did not point out the obvious regarding sex of seeds.
But still curious to see if the weaker seedlings/plants tend to be male.


Well-Known Member
IME weak seeds can = runts or weak plants depending on how you look at it, I have had more females runts than males and I'm a breeder so I actually grow males out. And weak/runt females have ALWAYS been more potent.

So to answer your question from my experience I'd have to say ,,,no
IME weak seeds can = runts or weak plants depending on how you look at it, I have had more females runts than males and I'm a breeder so I actually grow males out. And weak/runt females have ALWAYS been more potent.

So to answer your question from my experience I'd have to say ,,,no
Thanks :D I was hoping I was onto something there .... bumma!


Well-Known Member
I could even take this a bit further for you, I once, because I have lots of seeds, decided to pop several immature (white) seeds just to see what happened. I put down 10 and only one survived and was female. For sure she rode the short bus, did not look or grow like her parents. was always a real light shade of green and turned out to be awesome smoke. I kept her (via clonning) for over a year and bred some nice plants with her I called her Lil Bush :)
I could even take this a bit further for you, I once, because I have lots of seeds, decided to pop several immature (white) seeds just to see what happened. I put down 10 and only one survived and was female. For sure she rode the short bus, did not look or grow like her parents. was always a real light shade of green and turned out to be awesome smoke. I kept her (via clonning) for over a year and bred some nice plants with her I called her Lil Bush :)
Ahhhhhh... now that is interesting.
I have always discarded the lighter and white seeds.
Next season I am going to experiment... Ooo I'm a little excited now. Thank you!!!! It will be interesting to see what my partner thinks.
Lil Bush.... you GO girl :D


Well-Known Member
In my experience the males are usually the faster, taller, more vigorous generally speaking. Lots of debate about influencing the sex of the seedling, if you're curious read up on genotype and phenotype. Also my last 2 rounds had runts and both were female. Maybe with time that would average out and the next runts would be males. Perception/expectation is a funny thing.
Hehe the 'lil cutie :D What do you do with the leaves? I make butter out of them and make cookies. I believe they are pretty damned potent. Glad I won't find out... imagine the mess I would make HAHAHA
Thank you for sharing for sharing the pic of Lil Bush :)

Thanks also to you Calicocalyx. I will most definitely read up.