Has my plant hermied??

Ive just checked on my plant before lights off and noticed a few little balls/sacks things but some have white hairs growing out so im unsure if its male sacks or not?
The strain is pure power plant from a fem seed, its 3 weeks from 12/12
Thanks in advance for ant help



Looks hermie to me, those look like pollen sacs waiting to burst... id wait for someone more experienced but im almost certain thats a hermie from the thousands of pics ive seen
Thanks for you're reply, yeah definitely looks a herm, think ill pull it in the morning.
Hopefully get a few more opinions before then but its not looking like its gonna be good news
No I grew from nivana fem seeds, this seed was not stressed at all, grown in perfect temp/humidity under t5 for veg and 600w hps for flower, I have 6 at the minute in my 4x4 and noticed one hermied just before lights out earlier. Ill be checking closely in the morni g and hopefully its the only herm. Its pure power plant 3 weeks from 12/12
How far past 12/12 are you? Hopefully my yield wont suffer to much, pain in the ass though, the hermie was my best looking plant, most bud sites and fattest buds