Hellllllllppppp might have root aphids week 4 of flower


Active Member
Any remedies or suggestions how to get rid of these guys? Found white specks on my leaves and lower canopy leaves turning yellow.


Well-Known Member
Have you seen the aphids on the roots? Root aphids are fairly uncommon the white specks could be many diff things.
What made you come to the conclusion its root aphids?
Pics would help


Active Member
Damn those things lanky. It’s hard to tell on the aphids Of the root bearing kind. do you have enough light?
Kept choppin down the yellow leaves had em in veg for over a month things didn’t get any thicker... just running i led 600w apparently.. about 5ft tent maybe more... 1st grow don’t judge my babies lol


Well-Known Member
We all gotta start somewhere dont worry.
I think you may have looked up some symptoms and seen root aphids as the problem when its moat likey something else.
What are you feeding?


Active Member
We all gotta start somewhere dont worry.
I think you may have looked up some symptoms and seen root aphids as the problem when its moat likey something else.
What are you feeding?
Giving the FF trio growing in FFOF... i saw my leaves wilt and tiny brown holes so maybe I’m just paranoid../ sprayed some neem


Well-Known Member
Kept choppin down the yellow leaves had em in veg for over a month things didn’t get any thicker... just running i led 600w apparently.. about 5ft tent maybe more... 1st grow don’t judge my babies lol
Yah the led depending on the brand isn’t enough.


Active Member
Please don't spray neem in flower. It's not good to ingest nor is it good for your pistils.

Little white spots on the leaves can be from a variety of things but generally when I hear white dots on leaves I think spider mites.
I didnt Spray on the buds, just on fan leaves but i wont Spray anymore... used the dyna gro brand... i got Paranoid because the bottom leaves started to yellow... some started to fall off


Well-Known Member
I didnt Spray on the buds, just on fan leaves but i wont Spray anymore... used the dyna gro brand... i got Paranoid because the bottom leaves started to yellow... some started to fall off
That's generally a nitrogen deficiency.


Well-Known Member
Someone recommended dionide or something like that for pest but i was Giving grow big and in another post they told me stop using it
They probably told you to stop using it because you had over done it.

But your plants will always need a certain level of nitrogen even thru flower.

Have you seen the schedule for fox farms nutrients?


Active Member
They probably told you to stop using it because you had over done it.

But your plants will always need a certain level of nitrogen even thru flower.

Have you seen the schedule for fox farms nutrients?
yeah but i heard To use half dose of what they’re telling you to use


Well-Known Member
Someone recommended dionide or something like that for pest but i was Giving grow big and in another post they told me stop using it
Spinosad not dionide.. lol. It's that or citric acid. These are the only things I would use in flower. Both are organic and won't affect the buds. I prefer Spinosad for extreme pest infestation in flower. Citric acid will burn the leaf tips. Tiny white bugs that hang out in leaf veins are thrips not aphids btw.


Well-Known Member
Tbh the plant looks fine other than the clawing and the yellow leaves prob fell off because of not enough light getting down there. The plant is lanky indicating low light levels
I think youre just reading stuff on the internet and putting 2+2 together and thinkin you have something you dont have. But without looking inside the pot you wont know for 100%
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