Hello! Why can"t we get an arizona forum?


Come on moderators! I like this forum. Please don't make me go somewhere else to find an Arizona forum. At least have the decency to respond to this thread.


Well-Known Member
I doubt the mods can create a new forum.

Give them a little time before threatening to quit, it makes you sound whiny.


I'm not threatening to quit. Just saying that I will go somewhere else for an Arizona forum if I have to. I have asked this several times. Moderators can't create new forums but they can at least respond. Admin has to create the new ones. Right now is the time that we need an AZ forum. Yes, i am whining, but only because nobody fucking responds and we need a place to unite and help each other answer questions.


Well-Known Member
So just start the threads you want in the general portion of the forum.

Us AZ users will be looking there until they put up a sub-forum.