help a fela


Active Member
okay I need some direction yall. I germinamtied my seeds and stuck them in a rock wool cube. I went out and bought one of those dome jiffy boxes and threw away all the dirt blocks. I stuk my germinatied rockwool cubes in the box and water it once a day. i have a light on 24 hours a day. THats where im at.
Im new and I would appreciate some direction. please tell me what Im doing wrong and or give me some links to find out how to grow from seed to plant. I found some info but it comes in pieces. I built a bubbleponic system and Im not sure when I should move the cubes from the box to the bubbl/. system:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::peace::joint:kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
Did you try reading the GrowFAQ? Very useful information, most of your questions can be answered there.