Help Black Concave Shield looking stuff on my plants stems!

There are these black spots on my plant that have soft nasty shit inside them when I scrape them off the stem of my plant. Do I have some sort of parasite leeching off my plant??? I need to get rid of them but there are too many. These things might have contributed to some bud rot i had just experienced a few days ago. I would show pictures but it just started to rain. I sprayed with insecticidal soap, hopefully that helps and/or kills the shit messing with my baby. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
It sounds like you have scale. It makes a shell around itself kind of like a really tiny turtle with no legs. They suck the sap out of your plant and will diminish your yields. The shell stops most insecticides so scraping them off is the best solution at this point in the game. Their excrement is sugary and will contribute to the formation of bud rot ( botrytis ).


Well-Known Member
Spider mites or fungus knats maybe?? If there knats you can get a liquid called "knat off" its supposed to be really good. You mix a little with your water and feed it to the girls, once you have done this it forms a "barrier" around the stems and roots which whatever is chomping on ur plant dosnt like and goes away.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like you have scale. It makes a shell around itself kind of like a really tiny turtle with no legs. They suck the sap out of your plant and will diminish your yields. The shell stops most insecticides so scraping them off is the best solution at this point in the game. Their excrement is sugary and will contribute to the formation of bud rot ( botrytis ).
I should of shut up haha
It sounds like you have scale. It makes a shell around itself kind of like a really tiny turtle with no legs. They suck the sap out of your plant and will diminish your yields. The shell stops most insecticides so scraping them off is the best solution at this point in the game. Their excrement is sugary and will contribute to the formation of bud rot ( botrytis ).
Thank you very much for the info! I knew that stuff had something to do with the little bud rot I encountered. It'll be hard to get them all, they are all over the stems right inbetween the buds. :/ But damn man I've gone through too much trouble to have my plant get fucked so damn close to harvest. Those things are DEAD in the morning.