HELP! Bubblelicious not growing


This is my second attempt to grow this strain. On my first attempt the plants got about as tall as these are and they died. It look liked they just burned up. So i planted these in jiffy pots first instead of straight into the Happy Frog soil. They are a week old and show no signs of new growth. The pics are of day 5,6,7 and of my grow cab. Lights are on 18/6

Any advice would be help.



Well-Known Member
Givem time. The happy frog soil toasted the last ones you grew. Its good soil, just not a soil to start from seedling in.


Well-Known Member
Day 10 and I can finally see new growth!!!
damn this shit is slow
yeah at first it seems that way, once that little girl has a root system you will see nice growth spurts, thats when it gets interesting. I have noticed when i do seedlings and put them in big pots right off; they are slow first couple weeks...then bam....give it time



Well-Known Member
i'm having the same problem. I'm at the start of week 3 and mine seem really really slow grown from seed... I think it just takes time. Be patient, i know it's hard.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
Have you ever grown anything b4? Plants just don't happen overnight dude. If you pay attention to your plants you will see they have been growing this whole time. look at the pics you posted i could see the growth difference between each picture. at first seedlings spend the majority of their growth on trying to start a good root structure to hold the damn plant up. take a breath. if you are this impatient, i hate to see how you will be when it comes time to flower....5 days no hairs......6 days no sex yet....its been 2 weeks why aren't my plants ready to harvest.....just slow down and enjoy the ride man. we have all wished our plants would get bigger, faster, but you can only rush mother nature so far.


Yeah I know this strain is going to take a long time to grow I'm just not used to it. I just planted some Mazar-I-Sharif and i bet it over takes the bubblelcious in a week! Im just posting so that other people can kinda know what to expect if they grow Bubblelicious from Nirvana.

This is a pic of the last plant I grew at day 11



Well-Known Member
Yeah I know this strain is going to take a long time to grow I'm just not used to it. I just planted some Mazar-I-Sharif and i bet it over takes the bubblelcious in a week! Im just posting so that other people can kinda know what to expect if they grow Bubblelicious from Nirvana.

This is a pic of the last plant I grew at day 11
posting your experience is great, but is not what everyone will expect when they grow it......someone else can make that thing a monster in 3-weeks time......its the grower NOT the plant.....anyone can have a plant grow...but flourish and yield is a whole different ball game.



Active Member
Thanks pastafarian81 ! I am doing a grow from seed and my seedling is just sitting there and I got worried that there was something seriously wrong. Then I read you post above. I, like others, need to have some patience. I saw a quick growth spurt but then it appeared like it stopped. I still have not seen any new growth but I will just need to wait. Gotta keep telling my self to have patience. I just have to realize there is growth below with the root before there is growth above.
First let me ask if you have a fan in there, as I did not see one in the photo. Second you might want to try getting them really rooted in a foam cup before you put them in those big pots while they are still so small because I have found watering problems when I try to do that in soil. That is why I bought a bale of coco and I still go organic with the nutrients. I have seen plants twice that size with tight internodes in a 16 oz cup that were not root bound. Also bubblegum varieties are more inbred which means a slow start sometimes, but when they have a good root ball they will take off and fill a big pot full of roots fast with no problem making up for the slow start, in quick growth. Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
there are a lot of variables here with the light, heat, moisture, etc..
but the more seedlings i see started in happy frog, the more wary of it i get
i haven't tried it, but the number of bad experiences of others seem to add up over time


Really guys thanks a lot for all the help! I've learned a lot about starting seeds. I think jiffy pots suck and Happy Frog while good for mature plants is not worth the risk for seedlings. What do you guys think about using rockwool cubes? They seem to be easy to use. Germinate the seeds first then pop them in the rockwool till they take root and then into the Happy Frog.