Help! Does this plant look healthy?


Active Member
My closet plant is 36 days old, I been on 12/12 flowering for about a week. some of the leaves throughout the plant have different kinds of blemishes, mostly light brown to yellow color. I tested the PH is normal but the Nitrogen level reads high on the color chart it came with. I used MG soil from the start and never added any other nutes. Does this plant look healthy for the flowering stage its in? or should I try lowering the Nitrogen level? Thanx for any help or advice..:-|



Well-Known Member
My closet plant is 36 days old, I been on 12/12 flowering for about a week. some of the leaves throughout the plant have different kinds of blemishes, mostly light brown to yellow color. I tested the PH is normal but the Nitrogen level reads high on the color chart it came with. I used MG soil from the start and never added any other nutes. Does this plant look healthy for the flowering stage its in? or should I try lowering the Nitrogen level? Thanx for any help or advice..:-|
leaves look to droopy.........whats the humidity in there??


Well-Known Member
um looks are decieving looks like.... how about askig queston before asuming the worst what lights do yo uhave how often do you water, room temp maybe just a climate problem like 'PPP' suggested


Well-Known Member
um looks are decieving looks like.... how about askig queston before asuming the worst what lights do yo uhave how often do you water, room temp maybe just a climate problem like 'PPP' suggested
let me be more clear for you then. that plant has the beginnings of a magnesium deficiency. I have seen worse than a simple mag deficiency. :blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
in your grow room
but in his that could be lighting that is making the plant look that way in the pic fuck ... why do you have to be right why can we just contribute without point a finger just give what it could be just because it looks like it could be rule out the other variables first


Well-Known Member
in your grow room
but in his that could be lighting that is making the plant look that way in the pic fuck ... why do you have to be right why can we just contribute without point a finger just give what it could be just because it looks like it could be rule out the other variables first
you obviously dont see what I see...I am not talking about the droopy leaves....I am talking about the mag def that I see on the lower leaves...and yes...the plant in his growroom...not mine. there are more issues than that but it needs to be addressed....and I didnt see anyone point that out so...:peace:'s bad business to call someone a fuck...just so ya know.


Well-Known Member
First off... i was not calling you a 'Fuck' i was merley using it as an interjection like " fuck " out of frustration.....

second do you not ee inthe pic he hs lights there that he unscrewed to take the pic.... it could be het burn from theplnt touchong the light for all you know ... bu tyou dont uase u didn ask ... ot saying you are wrong by any means if that is what it is the round of an aplause to you but what if man what if.... just smoke a blunt nd chill


Well-Known Member
Chill guys, and be thankful in the knowledge that you have both done your best to help someone.
We can't all be right all the time.
Have a few cones and relax.


Well-Known Member
im fine...why is everyone trippin. this is dumb. tryin to be helpful and someone just decides to criticize what I SEE. whatever. I am just tryin to be helpful and tryin to keep my comments about other peoples responses to myself. have a good night and I am still recommending mag. this is what I see...goodbye:peace:



Active Member
Damn! I didn't mean to get you all fighting and shit, Geeeeeeeees!!!
I usually water it every 2-3 days, that leaf that looks fucked up in the pic was actually a light that burnt part of the leaf, I haven't checked the mag. level yet but I will tonight because as you can see in the new pics I posted there is a section where alot of the new leaves in the middle of the plant are yellow, whats that look like?



Active Member
Well I can't check the magnesium level with the test kit that I have but the "potassium" level was high. Any tips on how to lower it? Thanx for the feedback.


Well-Known Member
boom see what im talking bout ther buddy..... if your too quick to jump you could fuck some shit up like get all excited over some like liek burn and calling it sumin else.... not until you get all the details.... well at least we got to that now on to the might wnt to add sum nutes but since you have MG be very en on uor mix as MG has tme release nutes so too much will hurt i woul dtry to flush maybe 2 times the size of pot and hte go with a oe part bloom nute