help i droped something on my baby...

alright i was waking up to giv it the best light when my curtain rod fell on my plant... well it was kind bent from reaching to the light but now its bent 20 degrees more... no broken stems or nothing... just the 2 new leaf shoots are kinda mutilated but other than that i see no fractures just got bent more to the side.. i switched the plant around so hopefully it will bend back when it goes towards the sun .... do you think its ok?


Well-Known Member
Yep, it'll be fine. If you damaged the newest grow tip, the plant will likely react as if you had topped it, and split into two main colas. Not a bad thing, eh? :wink:
hahaha no not at all thanks bud im so happy i didnt see a branch fall off... this is what happens when u stay up late then wake up half alsleep dealing with the plant.. i think its bending back slowly towards the sun. and hey and even if it adds cola ill be find even though its not out of veg yet ... but anyday noww:( i guess plants are use to stuff falling on them???


Well-Known Member
^I wouldn't say that they are "used to stuff falling on them", but they are quite tough and have a strong will to survive. They can handle quite a bit of abuse, as long as the roots are healthy. :cool:
good .. its not shrivelling up and seems to be thriving ill keep it updated to see if the sun can bend it back:)

it smells like sourdiesal by the way:)