Help identifying issue.


Well-Known Member
Whats going on here? Fungal disease or cal/ mag issue? I’m growing in happy frog soil with a fabric pot under a Mars hydro TS 1000 in a vented closet. Plant is in the later flowering stage. I’ve topped dressed with dr earth bloom and some domolite. Water going in is around 6.2-6.3


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The spotting looks cal mag to me but then again I’m fighting my own problems that look real similar and can’t figure em out. I’ve narrowed mine down to a few based on the appearance of the problems and like I said looks similar to yours - cal mag, root rot/other root issue, or fungus gnats. Imma be following for anyone else’s advice on this.
Good luck my friend!
I think it looks like a fungal type of issue, you could mist with 1:9 hydrogen peroxide: water mixture during lights off and see if that helps. Very lightly mist, you don't want to drench the flowers. Also you can do a soil drench with the same solution for fungus gnats. Unfortunately it will kill the microbial life in the soil, so a few days later I would re-innoculate with mycorrhiza. There is also Bt for the fungus gnats. :weed: (: :peace:
Likely lockout. Either from pH or from some sort of element antagonist from the additional soil amendments.

I'm still on my first cup of coffee so take what say with a grain of salt.