Help Me Choose a New Mom


Active Member
I can't decide on which one i should keep.

They all germed the same day.

What do you think and why?

Who will it be? #1 (LST'd), being the largest. #2 the middle and #3 the baby on right:


Ego Fum Papa

Active Member
I say clone all of them, veg the clones, and flower them and see which ones you like then OR put all three of them into flower, take clones from each within the first week of flower, label each clone to correspond to the plant you took it from and decide from the results of the flowered plants. Then mother the clone of your best flowering plant :)

If I had to pick now, I'd say the bottom one looks pretty vigorous and hardy.


Well-Known Member
More often than not I find the winner after flowering is rarely the one picked in veg due to the large number of variables. I am with the clone em all group, just don't mix up labeling.


Well-Known Member
isnt this a very silly question? no offense.... but you dont pick keepers based mainly/entirely on what they look like early in veg. i wouldnt let any of them go till you have grown out, harvested, cured, and smoked each. You want to have all aspects of each before choosing or yoiu are taking a shot in the dark.