Help Me Choose C.A.P or Sentinel


Active Member
I am looking at two atmospheric controllers.

They are both nearly similar except for 4 things.

The C.A.P. is slightly cheaper

Both offer 3 year warranties but the C.A.P is a workmanship warranty which as I read does not offer the same guarantee.

The C.A.P. has an additional day time outlet while the Sentinel has an additional night time outlet

The C.A.P. uses a fuse and the Sentinel uses a breaker. *I like the idea of a breaker*

Can anyone give me their opinion? Hopefully someone has some experience with either. Would be greatfulkiss-ass


Well-Known Member
I've spent a lot of time looking at those things myself the last few months. I've seen both of these devices on peoples ops on the boards here. I've heard nothing but good things about them. I personally don't think I would ever buy one. The reason being: they seem so one sided on what they do. For example you have to switch the humidity manually instead of it controlling both the humidifier and dehumidifier together etc...same with the heating /cooling, etc....

With the price they ask for these things, I would want it to be able to fully control 2 device for each variable; temperature, humidity, etc...

That being said, I've been able to find seperate devices that do both and are cheaper. I say this without actually using them though. I have them ordered but yet have my op 100%. So who knows which way is the best way to go.

Now if you know how your weather is and you know you will never need a humidifier or a heater (which might be the norm).Those living in the Midwest know the weather here is never predictable.

What I am doing, and what I would suggest is to spend a week or so or more to record your room environmental conditions, and then use your data to dial in the devices and controllers you need.

be blessed.