Help my 2 girls are dying i think need help please


People told me to flush them cuz they said I nute burnt it ... So I did what they told me to do and now look at the results from flushing them is there any way to fix this problem or are they going to die?? They were in miracle grow about 2 hours ago now I repotted all of my plants in FOX FARM SOIL that I had just recently bought today ..... Any info guys would be great your the experts:-(

Dr. Greenthum

Well-Known Member
they will come back...marijuana is a WEED! it is very hard to kill.....give them some time...DO NOT farms usally has enough in it to last up to 3 months... just water every 2-3 days. you will get a feel for when you will need to water by picking up the pot and feeling the differance in weight.


Well-Known Member
That second one looks like a dried bud! :( I have seen some messed up clones come back into some ok plants but I think you would be better off starting over. Those plants will never produce their genetic potential at this point.


Oh my god!! I side with your friends on the nute burn. dont add any more nutrients. How often do you water and are you heat/light burning the leaves?


New Member
im sorry bro
but see if they make it but looks rough
i know thats not what u want to hear
but dont give up