help please!!!


Active Member
I have 16 romulan plants growing in soil in a hydrohut. There is a 400w MH hanging about 3 feet above the tops of the plants. About 2 weeks ago, rooted clones that were purchased at a medical marijuana facility were transfered into soil.

The problem is 3 fold.

1: The new leaves are coming in light yellow. The eventually turn green, but it take a few days.

2: Some of the tips of the leaves, new and old, are curling upwards.

3: There are areas of brown on the lips of the leaves that are curling upward, and on the side of some other leaves.

Any helps is appreciated!


Well-Known Member
i started having lighter colored leave and the strain i have should be darker and i started using magic cal someone turned me onto it. woks for me it helps the plant absorb the nutrients correctly. I was told by someone who knows what hes doing ,i'm sort of a newbie.


Well-Known Member
calcium, magnesium, and iron i'd call them micro nutes. Can be used soil or no soil. In addition to you r nutes not in place of. Like 12 bucks a liter.


Well-Known Member
The turned up part does sound that way. Is this soil or hydo? It does sound like it could be a couple things the upturn is some kind of deficiency but crispy leaves mean too hot or not enough water or nute burn.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good i like 6.0 myself but everyone has they preferences. Maybe flush out nutes with water and try alittle less and see if you help the situation. I do recomend the Magical. is the name. Made big difference for me. Like boom.


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind a nutes burn will shock you plants so if you don't see immediate growth or change it probably was a burn so just be patient and let it come out of it.


Well-Known Member
I'm also a newbie but I had the exact same problem. My clinic purchased clones looked great until I put them in my hydro system. The lower leaves turned yellow around the outsides and looked awful. I had a 1000w HD four feet away. I thought this might be too much light for very young plants so I went back to some old flourescents for about a week. POTROAST suggested over nutes. I stopped the nutes and the situation improved. Went back to MH and started low nutes, around 300ppm.The plants started growing fast but still some yellow edges. They seem to have recovered. I don't know
which fix, if either, worked but the ladies are very happy now and so am I. I sometimes think the plants fix themselves in spite of what we do. In hydro problems come on fast but adjustments can be made fast. If it's over nutes you may have to flush the soil.
Here's before and after pics. First two are 3 weeks, next two are five weeks.
Hope this helps.
I sometimes wondered why some peoples pictures looked so yellow. The first two are MH, the next two are HPS.



Well-Known Member
i had my plants 1000w hps from begining of veg but the light was all the way up. Atleast 4 feet. But my nutes started low and i wasn't under full veg nutes untill after 2 weeks with a lighter mutes mix at begining . I use the brown red green General Hydroponics. 1 st week 3 tsp red 3 tsp brown 3 tsp green per 5 gallon. 2 nd week 3 red 6 brown 9 green. 3 rd week full strength 5 red 10 brown 15 green. I moved the light down a lot more when i hit week three still 30 inches until plants looked loke they could take it. This is just my experiences hope it helps someone.


Active Member
thanks for all the info. probably is over nutes, because i moved the light up, and they still curl up, and the tips look like they have been "burned."