help prity please think my blueberry has turned male

iv got a blueberry plant 5-14 days from harvest an i think its turned male here are some pics-not the best pics cus the lighting in the is very bright. i discovered a male cheese that was 9 days into flower this was 8 days ago, i very gently removed him an got rid. 7 days later i noticed that the buds on the blueberry have lots of things that look like seed sacks, i pulled 1 off an squashed it, an saw a very small white thing in the liquid stuff, the buds are big an healthy with millions of white hairs every where. the cheese next to it has no signs of theses what i think are seed sacks an is the same age as the blueberry same conditions but i think the cheese has about 2-3 weeks left, im got a northern lights that is 17 days into flower an would be gutted if i had to chop them all down, any help would be very much appricatied. pictures probley aint goin to be much good iv tried loads of times but these are the best.


noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so its to late to save the cheese now then Fxxk!!!


Active Member
not necessarily... if the blueberry got pollenated or turned hermi it is still possible that the cheese was uneffected. id finish out the blueberry and leave everything else how it is... and if problems persist after the blueberry has been removed then its time to worry. if you see definite male flowers emerge chop it early. or if you can separate the blueberry immediately and continue to keep everything growing thats your best bet! its just a shame to chop a plant when its that close to flower!


Active Member
look at the plant if its hermi you should see some yellow fingers coming out in spots where hairs would have before
i chopped both down last night after further research, both cheese an blueberry turned hermi on me. both plants had seeds, only very tiny ones but still both buggered. im gutted cus it was my first grow. iv still got 1 left that was away from the male an the other 2, so ill see what that brings. so much time an effort wasted. cheers for the help fellas


Well-Known Member
is this a common problem? i have some blueberry clones just starting out. and im on my second grow. the first one was without blueberry and didnt turn out to good. do i have a problem in the works? thanks hammer.


New Member
according to my research it is not that uncommon for a plant to go hermi at the end of flowering as a latch ditch effort for sexytime regardless of the strain.