Help! running out of room! lol


Active Member
Hello all =) I'm new to these forms but I've learned so much already!

But I have a question on topping plants. My plants are about 35 " tall and are threw there first budding week (12/12). But now my plant is growing past my light and i can't raise it anymore. What should I do? Cut the top off? Or bend it over with some string. Any advice would be muchly appreciated .



Well-Known Member
have the same problem - though not as severe.

you can tie the plant down - some good advice i heard on this forum was to tie the other end to a brick - that way you could wind up the string around the brick a little at a time - and slowly bend the plant (turn it every day or something like that).

i also saw on one of seemorebud's videos someone bent the plant at the bud.
WARNING: I have never tried this but...
you're supposed to squeeze the stem where you want it to bend. squeeze it a lot - like 20-40 times to break down the fibers and the stem should bend without breaking and continue to grow like nothing happened. like i said - never tried it but i did see it on video.

other than that - you'd have to turn them on their side or something - i'd try to avoid cutting off the tops at all costs - that is your biggest yield i think.


Active Member
k I think I'll try tipping the pots and hope they stop growing lol. Thanks for the info on bending i hope it doesn't come that.

Also, how tall do plants grow to ? I've got about 8 more weeks on flowering cycle will the growing slow down as the plant starts too flower?


Well-Known Member
my plants stopped shooting up about 2-3 weeks after switching to 12/12 - but by then they had already hit my lights. i just bend them out of the way now (and the buds are growing around the slightly burned areas so all is not lost).