help vegging plants sick + fungus gnats


Active Member
Well to start with I have a feeling i have a fungus in my soil because my pots hadn't been draining properly. I also recently got fungus gnats. Anyone got any good ideas for getting rid of them. Also my plants have been turning yellow as you will see in the pictures. The pictures are arranged by a overall picture of each plant and then close of picture of the plant. I tied testing my ph using those little strips and it seems to be at about 6.5 according to them, but im not sure how much I trust them.



Active Member
Fungus nats try tobaco juice or garlic misting.If all else fails lightly mist soil with agood pyrithrians mist. LOwer your humidity also'GoodLuck


Active Member
i wouldnt worry to much bout the bottom leaves just let em fall it will help the plant in the long run as well as your self (not to many tho as it will hurt it during veg stage as they use them for photosy hawever its spelt ) watch for nute burns and get some stiky fly thingys to catch them little ones nats or what not that i normally get from my soils also


Active Member
they are getting worse especially the last one the affected leaves are on the top now is this nute burn. or do i have low nutes i am just using the miracle grow 3 month formula


Active Member
hey lets just chill for a min we all high well at least i am and i think you needa take a hit or 10 for a min let it hit you then come back or go smoke next to your plants and think bout what else could be wrong bud i am not telling any one or is anyone telling anybody else to do something we alll have our opinions right???????????? well then now that that is done lokk at the leaves you can find a nute deficientcy in marijuana plant probs at the top of the grow room just click and then look at the blogs or what ever okay i got it go back to the grow room here and then click on the marijuana plant problems wait for it to load then at the very top in the thread\thread starters got to the line that breaks the sites threads for everyone elses thread and read the headings and then click on the ones that say Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First. oooorrrr Guide for diagnosing plant problems i know indicas makes us wanna sit but sativas (my choice of weed) makes us creative well most of us or its what they say it does to me anyway so when you CHILL THE FUCK OUT AND READ BEFORE YOU ASSUME (make an ass outa u and me) that noone helps we all have a brain thats willing to learn everyday we just have to feed it

sorry so long and cut up but hey i dont like readin that type of shit it just brings me down fuckers
oh and dont hate appreciate


Well-Known Member
I have the same problem with 5 of my vegging plants. I have not fed them yet but they're still really small compared to some others. I thought it was a PH problem but I'm giving them the same water as my other plants. Weird :S


Active Member
First of all I did read those stickies and I of course did come up with a couple possibilities but wasnt too sure so thats why I posted. I am no newbie to forums trust me i did some homework before I posted. Im irritated because I posted and nobody cared. Fuck that I like this site because of the comradery until I made a post and noone gave a crap. I think everone can understand where I am coming from now. By the way the plants seem to be getting better they started growing again in fact about 3 inches in a couple days I had to raise my lights. However the bottom leaves are still yellowing which as it says in the sticky is probably nitrogen deficiency. I am not going to add some nitro yet though because Im guessing its simply because the root system hasnt recovered yet from the shock. If im wrong on the someone please let me know that im an idiot lol. I did however take your advice and smoke a bowl with my plants and one thing I noticed. If you wanna really upset gnats blow some smoke at them, they freak out its actually pretty funny ecpecially when youre smoking a bowl hah. Anyway no hard feelings anyone I sure as hell didnt mean to start a fight. Just got a little frustrated thinking that I was about to lose 8 plants.


Well-Known Member
Ok, Ive had some of the same issues. First, Get Neem oil and put in spray bottle with about equal parts dish washing liquid and mist plants and top soil when lights are off so they don't burn the leafs. That will help long term so gnats don't reproduce much as they hate neem oil. Go buy lowes or home depot pick up the insect organic spray for veg. plants. Spray using both items one every other week when lights are off to not burn leafs. Take a dull knife and scratch the soil about an 1 to 2 inchs down the soil nightly and then every other night when under control. That will turn over soil so knats can't use the soil to reproduce. You will notice gnats come out of the soil when scratching b/c they are trying to lay eggs. Your cutting off their egg laying medium with the turned over soil baking the gnat eggs you wont be able to see. lastly buy the sticky fly paper and cut in half. put it close to the plants if not on the soil. You will notice how many fewer gnats you have buy the fly paper. The mature gnats will find their way to the fly paper its sticky shit and smells good to the gnats.

One last thing to really hammer the gnats is to put a thin coat of sand on top of the plants. Sand isn't best for allowing plants to get fresh co2 so very thin but will hammer the gnats.

All this will help short and long term......


Active Member
Thanks relaxed I will definitely try that next time. I bought a bottle of gnatrol and had to use the whole bottle but it worked in a couple of days I am gnat free. Now im just worried about whether or not i fixed the other problem. The gnatrol is pretty nasty stuff it smells like disgusting feet lol. So while it works i would rather try your suggestion. Does anyone know how long it takes for the roots to recover and the plants to recover from nutrient shock. I noticed I am seeing some new white roots coming out the bottom, they were brown. Hopefully they are getting better.