Help w/ stealth growbox n other things


Active Member
1st timer here... ive spent hours reading and researching what im going to do, ive got a decent understanding of what to do but i still have some questions. I understand that these may be covered in other forum topics, but with my searching i havent found it, and i would appreciate an input rather than a link to a page, not just for my benefit but for future growers.

Anywho.. My situation... I am simply after growing ONE female plant for my own use. anything that will produce over an ounce of GOOD shit is enough for me.. with that said..........

i have to be as stealthy as possible.. i have very nosey people living with me. Im looking to use a grow cabinet, one i will make myself to be economical... but what im going to do w/ a plant is beyond me. I have seen methods where a wire screen is placed below the light and the plant spreads itself out.. this method looks very good for my situation(having to use as small of a growcab possible) What method should i use if i have a very small box? What strain of weed will suit me the best?

Here is the setup i have in mind...

3 x 120mm Computer case fans

2 x fans will be exhausting with 2 homemade carbon filters

Fans powered by an AT power supply ( i heard these are safe to use with fans alone w/o risking anything? correct me if im wrong please! )

soil - scott's

light - no idea.. cheap as possible is what im looking for, remember what my goal is here.

As far as other things go, either im ignorant to how i use them or dont know exactly what else i need.

Thanks in advance for the help!


Well-Known Member
Start in smaller pot to let roots start growing good, then transplant after couple weeks to bigger pot, so it doesnt become rootbound. I dont know what else there is to say for now. Just germinate some seeds, plant, & they will do the rest. No nutes in soil for a couple weeks to month. Keep the fan on them and heat out & you'll be good to go.


Well-Known Member
Verto, I could go through step by step and share the dos and donts, but as it sounds like your just searching at this point I encourage you to spend some time around here and read what others have done with success.


Active Member
Yeah like i said, i have spent quite a bit of time looking thru multiple forums.. ive decided i am going to use a small growbox since its my only option, i just need to know the other facts that i talked about...


Active Member
Ok i have a buddy who's going to be helping me do this thang, only help i need now is how to "scrog" it? I think thats what its called.. but its when you put a wire screen in the box and have the plant grow wide instead of tall. let me know what you know!


Active Member
This is an awesome breed i came across in here a while back ago thats perfect for small spaces. Its called Lowrider. I havent used it but what ive read sounds good. Its nice because it starts flowering as soon as it sprouts without having to reduce the light time to 12/12. You can keep the lights running all day and it still flowers. The website i got this pic from said the plant can go from seed to harvest in 8-9 weeks and the plant wont grow more than 12".


Well-Known Member
What about adding nutes to soil.
I have some in supposedly time release for 9mo's soil.
I am skeptical of this.
I wonder If I will be able to add nutes.
I think I may try when the plants get a little older they are 3 wks old tommorow.


Well-Known Member
big hdz go to Newbie Central and introduce yourself.
Then go to what ever forum u want. at the top of the entries on the left there will be a post radio button.


Active Member
Thanks for the lowrider info, i will look into getting some feminized seeds! What kind of light would be best to use for 1 MABYE 2 lowrider plants?


Well-Known Member
This is an awesome breed...
yeah I had a grow box of these about 2 years back, the only problem was that they cant be cloned and I never got a male plant so as to fertilize a mother plant and get more seeds.

I managed to get 18 growing VERY nicly in a 2' by 4' floor space grow box.
each plant had 64 square inches of floor space(8"x8").

this is one breed that you WANT to get at least 1 male.


Well-Known Member
yeah I had a grow box of these about 2 years back, the only problem was that they cant be cloned and I never got a male plant so as to fertilize a mother plant and get more seeds.

I managed to get 18 growing VERY nicly in a 2' by 4' floor space grow box.
each plant had 64 square inches of floor space(8"x8").

this is one breed that you WANT to get at least 1 male.
That's just precious! lol Seriously, that plant is fricking awesome! How potent is the bud. More description please!