(HELP WILL THIS WORK) mini grow cab how many small lowrider type plants could i fit


Active Member
aryt im buying a grow box for a gd cheep price ders the link ( http://www.diy.com/diy/jsp/bq/nav/nav.jsp?action=detail&fh_secondid=9796497&fh_view_size=6&fh_start_index=18&fh_eds=%3f&fh_location=%2f%2fcatalog01%2fen_GB%2fcategories%3C{10099}%2fcategories%3C{8960086}%2fspecificationsProductType%3dstorage%2f_metric_width_range%3d400_600&fh_refview=lister&ts=1219068635762&isSearch=false ) its Width 45cm - Height 91cm - Length 65cm and i was wondering how many lowrider small typed plants could i fit in it and im am going to be useing a 250w envirolite with reflector would this work and i will be also fiting in an 100mm carbon filter would that handle the smell? and 2 computer fans at the botton for intake do you think this would all work
many thanks