Help with easy way too make hash

Freeze your trimmings. Take a mason jar fill half with water put in freezer till ice cold. After trimmings have froze place them in the jar with 5 or so ice cubes, be sure it's cold has to be cold... place lid on tight and shake the ice water and the cubes separate trichs from the material. Shake for five minutes more the Better, place in fridge undisturbed for 30 min. The plant material will float to the top and the goodies will settle to the bottom. After 30 minutes spoon out all material on the top of the jar and gently pour off water till it's less than half full. The bottom matter will resemble very fine brown sand place a coffee filter over a bowl and drain rest of jar thru filter. Once drained take a spoon and scrape the material off the filter on a plate allow it to dry scrape up once dry and smk away. This is a very crude way off making it with very poor return. YouTube it search ice water hash.