Help with first grow.


New Member
Hello all,

This is my first grow. I am currently growing a Royal Queen Seeds F1 Orion autoflower. I am concerned with how most of the leaves look. Some clawing, curling upwards, brown tips, and some are good. This plant is exactly 3 weeks and 2 days old. I'm not sure what to do at this point.

Here are the details:
-Temp maintained at 72F
-Humidity maintained at 60%
-2'X2'x60"mars hydro tent with carbon filter and exhaust fan at about 50%
- oscillating fan on slowest speed under the light.
-spider farmer EVO SF1000 at 75% and 24" away from top of plant.
-5 gallon fabric pot with Happy Frog soil.
Watering about 1 cup 6.3 ph balanced every other day or when soil meter shows dry. Along with half the recommended foxfarm CalMag.
-Original pot from germinated seed (never transplanted)

Any help/suggestions appreciated.
Thank you!

f1 orion 1.jpg
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Well-Known Member
To me it looks like it's over watered, or the soil has too much nutrients for the small size of the plant. But it could be the light too close why they would be curling down to get away from the intense light. Why are you giving it CalMag? To me that doesn't seem right to just be giving a plant something it doesn't need, which could be causing the problem? I'm pretty sure you should only be giving a plant CalMag if it has a deficiency, but just giving it to a small plant that doesn't need it would over consume it and give it more calcium and magnesium then it needs or wants. But I'm sure someone more experienced with CalMag could answer or clarify better. I never use it so I don't have any experience with it. But to me your plant looks over watered or you are giving it too much of the CalMag too often or too much of something else


Well-Known Member
I'm a noob myself so take my thoughts with a pinch of salt... but I had similar with one of mine and I had given her too much nutrients early on.
A few weeks of just plain water to try to dilute things, and her new growth looks healthy and lush.