Help with setting up my grow room


Im seting up a small grow room with 4 plants, i want to know whats the best lights i can use and if hydro or dirt is better to get bigger yields and how many lights can i use and money is not an issue to get top of the line equipment


600 watt hps for flower, but watch the heat. That's what I used in a space 48" x 36" on 4 plants. Read up on LTS, aka low stress training. It'll really get you the most bang out of four plants. T5s are great for veg but if your going to be vegging and flowering in the same room go with a convertible MH/HPS ballast. MH for veg HPS for flower.

Hydro beats dirt any day. My best dirt harvest was less than my worst hydro harvest. Hydro is more work throughout the grow. I used to change about 50 gallons of water out about every 10 days. My old system was an under current RDWC. Man did it grow some great plants.

Here's a video of an under current system. I built it myself after watching a few videos.


Well-Known Member
Agreed on needing to know room dimensions. If your new to growing I would go with some Fox Farm Ocean forest. This will save you on nutrients at the same time is a bit easier in my honest opinion than hydro. Your gona be watching dwc or a flood & drain table etc a lot more than you would with some soil n pot. Just a bit messier. I would go with a 600mh for veg then switch the bulb to 600hps for flower. But depending on space, can go with 1x400mh 1x400hps. Either way. Keep in mind ventilation, etc.

Hopefully your local grow store clerk isn't a dick and can really point you in the right direction with out spending all your $$$.


600 watt hps for flower, but watch the heat. That's what I used in a space 48" x 36" on 4 plants. Read up on LTS, aka low stress training. It'll really get you the most bang out of four plants. T5s are great for veg but if your going to be vegging and flowering in the same room go with a convertible MH/HPS ballast. MH for veg HPS for flower.

Hydro beats dirt any day. My best dirt harvest was less than my worst hydro harvest. Hydro is more work throughout the grow. I used to change about 50 gallons of water out about every 10 days. My old system was an under current RDWC. Man did it grow some great plants.

Here's a video of an under current system. I built it myself after watching a few videos.
So basically hydro is always better than dirt but hydro takes more time to take care of


Agreed on needing to know room dimensions. If your new to growing I would go with some Fox Farm Ocean forest. This will save you on nutrients at the same time is a bit easier in my honest opinion than hydro. Your gona be watching dwc or a flood & drain table etc a lot more than you would with some soil n pot. Just a bit messier. I would go with a 600mh for veg then switch the bulb to 600hps for flower. But depending on space, can go with 1x400mh 1x400hps. Either way. Keep in mind ventilation, etc.

Hopefully your local grow store clerk isn't a dick and can really point you in the right direction with out spending all your $$$.
Its about 3.5' w, 12' l, 10' h
Thats what i was thinking if we did dirt to go with fox farms ive used there nutes for fruit trees and they do wonders and also money isnt an issue so top of the line equipment is what im after


So basically hydro is always better than dirt but hydro takes more time to take care of
From my experience. Hydro is also more expensive but the larger yields more than offset the additional cost. Part of my problem was I didn't have a warm water source close to my plants and had to carry 50 gallons of water down a flight of stairs 5 gallons at a time.


Its about 3.5' w, 12' l, 10' h
Thats what i was thinking if we did dirt to go with fox farms ive used there nutes for fruit trees and they do wonders and also money isnt an issue so top of the line equipment is what im after
You can always start with dirt and transition to hydro, that's what I did. Learn a bit about how the plant grows and responses before jumping into hydro. But after I switch I wish I'd just started with hydro. It was crazy how much bud I could get off 4 plants in hydro compared to dirt. I'm talking 2 liter soda bottle sized buds.

Some people will tell you dirt has a better taste but I've never been able to tell much of difference.

I'd split the room into two rooms. One for veg and one for flower.

If you don't have a local hydro shop htg supply has always done me right. Just google it.


Well-Known Member
Whoa whoa whoa hydro just isn't better then soil...what are you looking for?I know me and most people like QUALITY over quantity and soil will give you that then hydro...and if this is your first grow don't go with hydro, soil is more forgiving and sometime can be HARD to kill your plants I mean I've literally had the whole root all break and the whole plant fell on her head broke everything off and she still produced....hydro, you can ruin crops in a day easy


You can always start with dirt and transition to hydro, that's what I did. Learn a bit about how the plant grows and responses before jumping into hydro. But after I switch I wish I'd just started with hydro. It was crazy how much bud I could get off 4 plants in hydro compared to dirt. I'm talking 2 liter soda bottle sized buds.

Some people will tell you dirt has a better taste but I've never been able to tell much of difference.

I'd split the room into two rooms. One for veg and one for flower.
Im prob gonna go dirt for this first time because this is a test run to see the quality after we see how it comes out ill be moving to a much larger space and prob do hydro there and also how many lights would you recommend? I was thinking on using gavita e 1000pros


Well-Known Member
A good organic soil is the best way to go imo...water it and have your temps down I don't eveg need to look at my plants for days (I mean I do because it's soothing)


Whoa whoa whoa hydro just isn't better then soil...what are you looking for?I know me and most people like QUALITY over quantity and soil will give you that then hydro...and if this is your first grow don't go with hydro, soil is more forgiving and sometime can be HARD to kill your plants I mean I've literally had the whole root all break and the whole plant fell on her head broke everything off and she still produced....hydro, you can ruin crops in a day easy
Im looking for exelent quality with good yields and im prob gonna go dirt for this first crop


Well-Known Member
Im looking for exelent quality with good yields and im prob gonna go dirt for this first crop
Then soil is your answer... soil taste and smells wayyyyyy better then hydro and if you can do it right, you can still pull very decent yields...maybe once you get your feet wet a bit maybe look into some soilless like coco


I believe there used to be a great dirt mixture floating around on here. I think it was from the dude that runs Subsoil seeds or some shit. That's the mix I started with and it grew some healthy plants.

Don't listen to these guys telling you dirt is way better in the smell and quality department. I've experienced it myself and it simply isn't true. I prefer hydro on the quality and quantity but really can't say I noticed a difference in smell and taste. And I grew some killer dirt web but hydro is where it's at.


Well-Known Member
I believe there used to be a great dirt mixture floating around on here. I think it was from the dude that runs Subsoil seeds or some shit. That's the mix I started with and it grew some healthy plants.
Yea it's easy to find Subcools Supersoil recipe ....I use this as well but I make adjustments, I don't use all that stuff...but deff a good recipe to go by forsure


So soil it is for this first crop and i have my dad to help me with the soil mixture he's a specialist on making nutrient formulas for farms and how many lights should i use for 4 plants?