Help with smell/oder


I am only an indoor grower with little experiance outdoors. So I decided to do an outdoor project this coming year.
My main concern is how to mask outdoor smell.
Any tips or ideas would be very appreciated.


Po boy

Well-Known Member
best way is to grow a low odor plant like northern lights. most of the ones i grow are really low odor but sometimes you'll get a pheno that stinks to the high heavens. GL


Active Member
redwood micro bark wood chips smell nice or cedar mulch from the nursery, or plant garlic, laveder or citrus nearby


Well-Known Member
Both Romulans mon grew or however it is spelled had a very low key but nice fruity smell, def least smelly of the bunch mon grew...yeild was good but it did not pack as good of a punch as some of mon other strains. Here is a pic of the rom, it smelled like fruitloops or somthing buds were dense.


Well-Known Member
Cinderella 99 is a high yielding strain with low odor, i don't think anything but a team of skunks is going to mask outside odor bro