Helpppp ;;

looks like your over fertilizing. On the 1 thats yellow your probably using to much P or not enough N in flower. But most people usually give it to much P and lock out the N. (im guilty of it) Id also say they look over watered. I dont do soil now but when I did I learned that to get the best growth you should let the pots get as dry as possible before you water. A good practice is to see how many days it takes for the leaves to look droopy and then try to water right before that day next watering. You can also take a mental note of the weight of the pot dry when you first add the dirt. Also lose the foil bro, causes hot spots its the worst thing possible for reflecting light. Try that bubble wrap thats wrapped with mylar at home depot or lowes. Thats the best thing imo. Insulates, lowers IR, & reflects light. Pricing is fair on it. Another good idea is to wrap light hoods in that stuff also, if you use hoods. It will lower ir more and keep room temp down also.

But to answer the ? id say flush next watering if not already and pull em in a wk or 2. Sorry to say but better luck next time. Timing has a lot to do with this sport ;-)