Here We Grow.My First Journal.

Well,i'm in day 7 of my first grow.I got 7 bag seeds going,under 8 6500k clf's and 2 T5-6500.Planted in Fox Farm Light Warrior 3 gal(figured why transplant);-).Already made 2 mistakes i think.First,i've been on an 18/6 hour cycle and Second,i've used 1 gal mix of superthrive 4ml. and big bloom 6tsp in a week on all of them(Don't know if thats good or not)i know i've probly over watered them so i'm not going to do it for about 2-3 days.So today after all the reading i'm going to a 24/0 light and a pure water 6.0ph for awhile,until i need the nutes.I got the Fox Farm 3 Big Bloom,Tiger Bloom and Grow Big.Got a pouch of Super Leach(when i get into trouble) and a pouch of Bud Blaster.Am i missing anything?Oh yeah,i picked up 2 High Pressure Sodium 100w clear bulbs from lowes,$27.95(Trying to figure out when to use them?).When i say i planted in Light Warrior,i put them in those pot looking planters that the roots can grow through,filled it with Light Warrior and then filled a 3 gal full of Ocean and put the pot in the planter.(i think to much!!!):wall:


Forgot to add.I built this grow out of one of those closets you put together.Then i lined it with the the stuff i insulated my roof with(looks like aluminum but its insulation) and 2 fans.Put the closet cover on and temps stays between 70f and 84f.gets real dark back there so i don't have to worry about that.It's in the CAT ROOM,Litter boxes hide the smell for awhile(probly/hopefully)got 4 cats:)
First off:wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:
Second:you read to much!!!!!
Third:it's just a plant
Fifth:WATER,go pick up some water or filter.then play with your ph,this time look at the colors with the card behind it.
Six:leave the fucking nutes alone:wall::wall::wall::wall:,hid them in the closet,wifes purse or bury them.i don't need them right now,at least 2 more weeks.
Seven:let the little bastards dry up.
Eight:if they ever legalize it,i want a tax refund on the shit i bought for no reason.
Nine:leave it alone.

So,i over watered,over nute,over read.flushed.saved 2 out of three.the other 3 i was able to snap out of the daze of huge buds and scientific wonder and just watered today(with good water only)
Eleven:you are using SOIL not HYDROPONICS.stop trying to mix the 2 processes wont work
I might be able to save the one.give it a day or a good strong stalk help that alot.
she's coming back to life:)yeah!!!!got a mineral water filter system(fresh water for my babies and my family to boot).walmart sells 46w 6500k clfs now for $10 plus the other grow a timer also,tired of waking up in the middle of the night!!!!!