Hermie or Calyx ..I Can't Identify!


Have this BubbaKush that went into flowering:(Had two days with inconsistant lights off n on..two hour delay with on and other time four hours late:( I think that is the only inconsistancy I had all my other ones are fine..she or he or he she just has flower sights everywhere noticed these white calyx or????Pics below Any one Know???AN should I move out of the room?


Phew!!Thanks I was worried...wonder why she flowering though none of my others are not auto either very odd..Do you know if it will throw my others into pre-flower too?


Active Member
Listen, with the inconsistency in your lighting schedule you need to watch this he-bitch like a hawk. A plants lighting schedule is the single moat important thing in the development of flowers. Every single day examine this plants bud sights for pollen sacs once its put into flower again. I just had a plant herm on me and it dusted my whole room. All this because I had a tiny light leak. Good luck and keep it going. Looks good

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I KNOW THAT'S SOME CRAZY STEM COLORING. Oops. It's like the opposite of my purple weed with green stems, cool.


Well-Known Member
so why dont nearly all outdoor plant hermie? do they not get reflective light off the moon (rather bright in many cases) on clear cloudless nights when the moon is overhead?


I Dont use timers I usually go out an do it:)Was running behind an had hour drive!Both times Sucks:(I never used timers cause someone once told me gettin timers makes ya lazy..WISH I WOULD'VE USED THEM THOUGH!! Just to have the consistancy you guys are talking about:)Do they make 240 V timers?Might be dumb question lol So since she is flowering will she "make" others go into flower lol?Thanks guys for info too!


IMAG0046(2).jpgIMAG0048(2).jpgIMAG0012(2).jpgAbout stem coloring I think it was from my room being to cold...had to work kinks out this Crazy Washington Weather the temp dropped like 15 deg. so I think that was the problem here pics of other ones ..Going ok I thinkSAM_0621.jpg


Im using Iguana Juice Grow 3-1-3 n Micro Feed 3 xs now what should I use to correct it?


Thanks BIo I got a few Bubb/Kush is the one with flower sites///I also have Hawaiian Snow,Blue Dream,Purp wid, n Elephant...I def see the deficiancy got yellowing an problems for sure just went out to take pics:( Man I got probs left n right..new pics

The 1st pic is the worst it seems to end up like this I just had on Bub Kush now seeing same symtoms on others :(


Well-Known Member
That's potassium deficiency I just dealt with that so I know. Make a flora spray with a high potassium nute ( per directions and spray daily then add a nute to rez with a high potassium ratio to it and just wait.


Active Member
I Dont use timers I usually go out an do it:)Was running behind an had hour drive!Both times Sucks:(I never used timers cause someone once told me gettin timers makes ya lazy..WISH I WOULD'VE USED THEM THOUGH!! Just to have the consistancy you guys are talking about:)Do they make 240 V timers?Might be dumb question lol So since she is flowering will she "make" others go into flower lol?Thanks guys for info too!
Yes they make 240 v timers. No she will not make others start flowering but the 12/12 light schedule Will.


Thanks Sparka...So since Im doin Sunshine mix 4(soil-less mix) just add to water?Any suggestions for flora spray?