Hermies gone rest of grow to harvest here!!!


hi all again,
this is a follow on to my previous post where i encountered sum nasty hermies in my grow 2 out of 8!!. they have since been removed from the grow room and im guna post pics and info on the rest of the grow rite up until harvest.

im growing 6 (was8) white widow x bid bud female seeds in a 1.2mx1.2mx2m tent in canna terra 11ltr pots.
600watt hps rvk 4 inch fan and rhino carbon filter

ph has been 6.2 before watering and run off around 5.4

all plant have been topped once
used ionic grow for veg and now using ionic bloom for flowering stage both at 4.5ml per litre
i vegged under this light for 5 weeks and am currently in the 10th day of flower
plants are 30inch tall good all round health no deficiencies throughout or nute burn :-)

ill post pics up in a few hours of the plants in their current state

hope to c a few of yous soon


how bad will this smell get? im on 11th day of flower and its lifting lol, ive got incense burning and rhino carbon filter, tent running with negative pressure but after lights off period can still smell them really bad in morning. any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Looking good, I wouldn't worry about the smell too much until week 7-8. The filter will take care of most of it.


hey guys cheers for that. thought i had spotted another hermie this morning but unsure dont think it is tho just guna keep a close eye on it. dont think ill ever be using female seeds again maybe use greenhouse seeds bid bud x skunk croos

anyone out there got any info or experience with this strain or seedbank?


Well-Known Member
I'm noticing the exact same thing with my grow. That is I can smell them in the morning right after the lights come on. The smell seems to disapate after a while though.


yeah mate thats the exact same thing that im getting i dont know if its disappating or im just becoming immune to the smell lol

here some pics on the 12th day of flower :-) wot you reckon?EBAY 027.jpgEBAY 028.jpgEBAY 029.jpgEBAY 030.jpgEBAY 031.jpg