HG'z 1st 50/50 indoor/outdoor Grow Journal: All Welcome

Hellafied Game

Well-Known Member
Ok ppl welcome, This is my lets say 30% Indoor/70% Outdoor grow journal. So to say i welcome all relevant info from posters and would appreciaite ur help. So here are the strains that r gunna name the game...

Arjan's Ultra Haze#1 - 5fem
Big Bang - 10 fem
The Curch - 5 fem
Trainwreck - 5 fem
G13 Haze - 5 fem
Crimea Blue - 10 reg
Satori - 10 reg
Kalichakra - 10 reg
White Satin - 10 reg
Sadhu - 10 reg
Skunk#1 - 10 reg

So any advice will help. Pics soon and more details next post
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Hellafied Game

Well-Known Member
This is another outdoor big bang at approx 3 weeks, we'll call this "BBoutdoor1" because there are multiple plants of tha same and different strain and i will keep track plant by plant. It was not properly hardened off like the rest of the outdoor 1'z i will b showing. Resulting in approx no growth watsoever 4 like 2 weeks. But they all lived and are now producing great growths.


Hellafied Game

Well-Known Member
okay the 1st 2 pics are Arjan's Ultra Haze#1, it went through some serious outdoor shock after transplant but has now started to do its thang.( sorry 4 ths shitty pic quality on that). The last 2 pics are Big Bang once again. Clearly one of the largest and fastest producing BB out there. We'll Call that 1 "BBoutdoor3".


Hellafied Game

Well-Known Member
These pics are of 1 single "Safari Mix". Talk about vigorous growth!!! i got a freebie 5pack from mandala and 2/5 germinated and are the strongest of all that i got goin. Really blastin off the starting line. Hopefully a female for this will most likely b my only non fem seed in this small outdoor group.


Hellafied Game

Well-Known Member
got a seed out of some exotic hazish type bud. This girl was originally indoors....died like 3 times lol, went in on a flowering cycle for a few weeks, revegetated, and finally just taken outdoors and is thrivin and really vigorous. So ready 4 this??? She's only producing single leaves instead of 5 point/7 point leaf. Imagine that!! its so strong and was pruned perfectly and will have 5 main cola buds and is producing crazy sideshoots, lovely but unknown and interesting.


Hellafied Game

Well-Known Member
So too b clear. That outdoor section is about 3 weeks from seed. The ones inside the seedling/veg box are still indoors until ready 4 the out. and the 2 Big Bangs in the closet are just about 2 weeks old. BEAR WIT ME BECAUSE IM PLAYING CATCH UP ON THE JOURNAL BY ABOUT A WEEK.