High All .... How's it Growin'

Budz Buddy

Active Member
I'm new to the site; but not to growing. I've been growing about 4 years now. I started on a Forum that out of the blue disappeared one day. Some of you may have also been members there as some of the names on this site sound familiar. Anyway, I went to several other sites & settled on one that I liked so I joined & have spent the last couple years there. I learned a lot there; but I'm bored with the same ole, same ole everyday so thought I'd try something new. I've tried several sites the past week & have found this one to be the most appealing to me. Has a lot of good forum topics. I hope to get to know a lot of you & learn some new things along the way. I like to experiment with my grows a lot so you may see things that aren't the best way to grow if I do a journal. I do this more for others can see what happens before they try it. Not that worried about yield when I do this. But even on a bad grow I can get 4 - 6 oz. per plant. I usually avg. about 10 - 12 oz. per plant when I grow to get yield. Not a great yield, but I'm content with it.
Here's a few pics of what I have going now in my 5 x 5 Tent & 4.5' x 7.5' Flower Room.
Most Forums wont let you say the names of other forums. But since it No Longer even exists there shouldn't be a problem with it I would think.
It was Cannabis.com.
Probably it. If you were there you would probably remember the names Weezard & Emilya. They were like the oldest members who instructed everybody on their grows. I learned from them. Both been growing for over 15 years & have a lot of knowledge.
Is this site mainly U.S. or are people from everywhere ? I'm from AZ. myself. Not actually from here but been here since 83. From Chicago originally.
I'm new to the site; but not to growing. I've been growing about 4 years now. I started on a Forum that out of the blue disappeared one day. Some of you may have also been members there as some of the names on this site sound familiar. Anyway, I went to several other sites & settled on one that I liked so I joined & have spent the last couple years there. I learned a lot there; but I'm bored with the same ole, same ole everyday so thought I'd try something new. I've tried several sites the past week & have found this one to be the most appealing to me. Has a lot of good forum topics. I hope to get to know a lot of you & learn some new things along the way. I like to experiment with my grows a lot so you may see things that aren't the best way to grow if I do a journal. I do this more for others can see what happens before they try it. Not that worried about yield when I do this. But even on a bad grow I can get 4 - 6 oz. per plant. I usually avg. about 10 - 12 oz. per plant when I grow to get yield. Not a great yield, but I'm content with it.
Here's a few pics of what I have going now in my 5 x 5 Tent & 4.5' x 7.5' Flower Room.
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Your rooting system is clear plastic.... roots like dark!
Oh the bubble cloner. I just started cloning & still learning on that. I did 8 clones & all rooted in this cloner with no issues. I did use clonex gel & I add 2 ml. of Hydro guard to the gal. of water the cloner takes. I use Mega Crop so I add 1 gr. + 2 ml. of calmag also to the water. I know it doesn't have roots to take up nutes at 1st but they are there when ready. Took about 7 - 8 days last time. I'm starting day 4 this time. All look alive & healthy so far.
The 3 Clones I kept are the 3 in the back of the pic. Put them in soil about a week ago.

Those 3 are Peyote Wi Fi.
Probably it. If you were there you would probably remember the names Weezard & Emilya. They were like the oldest members who instructed everybody on their grows. I learned from them. Both been growing for over 15 years & have a lot of knowledge.

Emilya's watering technique!