Higher PPM with water system

If you let it run a while the PPM should drop. the first 10 gallons or so should be discarded.

If you wanna get the PPM lower then you need an RO membrane in the mix. Those filters are basically prefilters for an RO Membrane that can also have a DI post filter for 0-1 PPM output. I use a WECO 350 GPD unit and my PPM output is between 2 and 4.
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The PPM is initially high as products in the filters are leaching into the water. Once those are rinsed off then the PPM should be lower than the input PPM but I doubt it will get more than 30 - 50% lower depending on how much iron and what not is in the water. The prefilters are pretty good at getting some things.
I should note the WECO filter I use has post filters that should be bypassed for growing but make for fantastic drinking water (alkaline cartridge). So I just pull the water for growing before the post filters or just eliminate them entirely. I never replaced them since I don't use this filter for anything but the grow. So watch out for filters with an alkaline post filter and eliminate that fucker.
i am getting 75ppm from my tap water and 83ppm out of the system! That is after i ran like 20gal thru the system
i am getting 75ppm from my tap water and 83ppm out of the system! That is after i ran like 20gal thru the system
If you contact the company, one would think they can tell you what dissolved solids might be in the output.

(positive spin!)
You have an awesome pre-filter for your eventual RO system? :mrgreen:
You might be able to make a deal - send that one back - if you buy an RO system from them!
Any idea why this would make my ppms higher?
Contact the seller and ask why. After 20 gallons it may not be enough but you should see some drop, and you have went from 94 to 83 output PPM. Those 10 gallon recommendations are for an RO filter where those cartridges would only be pre-filters and it would take more like 40 gallons through them to get 10 out of the membrane.
It could just be that the PPM in the water is not PPM that the pre filters can catch. Has the water been analyzed? They only get certain stuff leaving the rest for an RO membrane thats not existent in this installation.
I call them pre filters because they are exactly the filters that would precede an RO membrane.
The sediment filter is just that, it gets stuff thats larger than 1 micron and some iron (ferric red water iron but not ferrous clear water iron). The carbon filter gets VOC's that would kill a membrane fast in an RO system and is also stuff that makes stinky water like hydrogen sulfide. They each serve a purpose but most of the TDS rejection happens at an RO membrane.

If you were to add an RO membrane you would need a few other pieces like a flow shutoff valve so water doesnt keep washing the membrane when production is stopped. A flow restrictor to determine how much water bypasses to rinse the membrane during operation are the two big ones I can think of.